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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 9 Review(s)
eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/25/2006
Oh how sad, Legolas and Elrohir must be besides themselves with worry. Please remind them to hold to hope. Poor Arwen, how do you explain such a cruel world to a little boy who idolizes his father? I hope the calvary is on the way Legolass, or you are going to have an Elf without any hair from stress (not sure if I even want to picture that)

Hope to hear from you soon.


On a more personal note. Finished "for the Love..." and chemo last week. thanks for the great tale.

Author Reply:

Mae govannen, mellon nin,

First of all, you and Mel are very welcome to "For the Love..." - I hope it made her chemo a little less unpleasant. :-)

I'm exhausted from writing up the next chapter, but I'm glad it's done - it's been difficult finding time, though our beloved characters are never far from my mind.

Hope things are going fine for you hope you haven't died from too many orc-torture sessions. :-)

Thanks for your continued presence here - it means a lot to me.


RedSquirrelReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/20/2006
Sigh… poor Aragorn. Poor Legolas. Poor Arwen. And poor Faramir! I wonder what would be worse, to return to the Paths of the Dead with a dying king in a frantic search of some clue or help that you don’t know if it exists at all, or to stay back in the city to keep up hope for everyone else, not knowing what’s going on, waiting for news. What a horrible situation! I hope that they will meet up with Lord Celeborn soon, and that he can offer, if not comfort, maybe at least some guidance. Speaking of which, it seems the implication here is that the „Old One“ is Lord Celeborn. M-hmm. Somehow I am not quite ready to accept that. Well, Celeborn is certainly old, although I would not care to say so to his handsome face, or he might give me the look that my prof reserves for dim-witted students, and I would shrivel up to the size of a small raisin. He has lived countless years, and yet ‘old’ does not seem to fit. ‘Ancient’, perhaps – it has more to do with venerable and wise instead of decrepit and aged. But the Forgotten People might call him so, because they don’t know any better? Perhaps. But when the possessed Gimli spoke of the “Old One”, Lord Celeborn was on his way to meet Aragorn because his Lady gave him a warning. He knew nothing yet about the curse on the door, and when he stood there, he could not read it – at first. He certainly holds the clue now, because he found it in Orthanc, but to know that, the Forgotten People would have had to be able to look well into the future. So I’m still curious. And I’m still asking, who the heck IS the Old One?
One very curious rodent

Author Reply:

Hiiiiiiii, Rodent!

(One long sigh for the time it has taken to not only finish the coming chapter but also to write you this INCREDIBLY late reply).

I feel like Legolas and Elrohir and Celeborn - racing against time to get something done - and as I am writing, I feel their agony. Aarrgh!

As for your questions re the Old One - I had to smile in delight when I read them because they're great, and because you picked up on a couple of points that are addressed in an argument Elrohir makes in the next chapter, so I won't talk about them here. But I will tell you that much earlier on, I did consider letting the Dead refer to Celeborn as the Ancient One because of the same reasoning you used - but I thought that the Dead would not have known just how 'ancient' Celeborn was - they would have known him as an immortal and therefore older than they are, but the elf lord would have, I imagine, looked ageless and still very much the fair being he is - not old enough to be 'ancient'. So... if there were going to be two Old Ones: Mathuil and Celeborn, Legolas would have to make a mistake about the first Old One, who Celeborn wasn't, in order for him to see the second Old One as Celeborn, who Celeborn is. Of those at Shelob's lair, only he and Tobeas had been at both Pelargir and the village, so I chose him. It could have just been a discussion between the two elves without the mistake, but I thought Elrohir would have had to mull over it first, since he had nothing but second-hand accounts to rely on.

Having said all that, however, perhaps it was a dumb way of doing it. *grin* If it doesn't seem to make sense, please consider it a lapse in sanity on my part :-p

oh, Rodent - I am exhausted... still much work to do, but I'm glad I have the next chapter done and up. Will watch a re-run of The Nanny for a while now.
Thank you for your support each chapter, mellon nin. :-)


grumpyReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/19/2006
Well If Arwen and his son can not wake up Aragorn, I guess an alarm clock or bugle are not going to work either. Have they tryed shouting "orc", or "moose tracks ice cream" into his ear. Darn, hands bowl of ice cream to Legolas (poor elf can use it), picks up rooster, and heads out the door.
I am off to talk to Gilmi, perhaps he can tell me what Elladan said, stupid wind got in the way of my hearing.
loved this chapter, and waiting for more.
P.S. please give Aragorn a flashlight, he seems to need one.

Author Reply:

Lol - you provide the funniest suggestions and imagery, grumpy! Let me know what your conversation with Gimli reveals. :-)

And speaking of flashlights - there was something wrong with the electrical wiring in my house last night and I DID need a flashlight for some time. So even if it doesn't help Aragorn, it did me!

Thanks for the review, and for awakening the need for ice-cream within me.


AMReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/18/2006
" ... Tell me what they are!”

Author Reply:

" ... Tell me what they are!”

Lol - in the next one or two chapters, AM. :-) I love how you can lift lines from the chapter and use them to convey what you mean to say in the review - I remember how you used to do that in "For the Love..." as well. Just delightful. :-)

Thanks for dropping in,


Alison HReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/18/2006
What a heartbreaking chapter! The despair just oozed off the page with everyone consumed with grief and horror over Aragorn's condition....more please!!!

You do love to torture us with suspense but that's why your fans love your wonderful stories.I can't wait for Celeborn, Elladan and Gimli to arrive and witness Aragorn's condition--more angst and grief surely, but Celeborn may have the answers to help the King of Gondor.That is, I hope he does ;D

Update when you can, Legolass.I will be waiting :)


Author Reply:

Yes I can imagine how horrified everyone who loves Aragorn would be if he suddenly collapsed and became totally unresponsive - pretty frightening to those who can only stand by and watch helplessly. We'll have to wait and see if Celeborn and the others can help.

Thanks for waiting with me. :-)


Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/18/2006
This story gets better and better.
I am dying to find out what happens next.

Author Reply:

Thanks, Calenlass. I'm working to post as fast as I can - hope you won't 'die' from the wait!


vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/18/2006
Wow, yet another heart-rending chapter ; Please rescue our King soon, the suspense is terrible!

Author Reply:

I think some readers need rescuing from the suspense too. :-) All in good time, vampfan. Thanks for your positive response to the chapter.


Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/18/2006
A very moving,and as always beautifully written chapter. I Was especially moved by Arwen's and Faramir's scenes with the stricken King. This is an amazing story.I eagerly await more.

Author Reply:
Aragorn is much loved, and by many. I'm not surprised that Arwen's and Faramir's scenes appealed to you. If you must know, I wrote Faramir's with you in mind, I really did.

Thank you for your approval. :-)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/18/2006
Phew! After all that there is a sliver of a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel! Do tell!

Author Reply:

Hi Harrowcat, so you see a "sliver of a glimmer of light"? More will be told in the next one or two chapters. Hope you can wait.

Thanks for the review.

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