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Stirring Rings  by Larner 10 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/21/2006
Fascinating to see them discovering how to counter the different illnesses spread by Mordor. And *very* satisfying to know the enemy was more heavily affected by them than the Hobbits, Dúnedain and the others. Not to mention the second wave of insects that was blown to the East :)

And I see the name ending ‚doc’ existed even before Buckland was officially inhabited. No doubt Modoc is an ancestor of Saradoc and his family. Still enjoying these little hints at things to come so many years later.

Author Reply: Yes, the Shire is now established and being seeded by the Creator with those families who will mean the most in the end. And to find ways to counter the Enemy's devices and diseases must have been satisfying, particularly when a West Wind blew a good deal of the ill will back on Sauron's own.

Thank you so much for reviewing.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/20/2006
The seeds of the Brandybucks! It's good to see the hobbits reaching reasonable safety. Middle-earth is a dangerous place and I'm glad to see that someone has spotted that Gandalf Storm-Crow is constantly mopping up behind the wizard who seems to keep his robes white and shiny.

Although the sight of any wizard is probably an indication of worse to come!

Author Reply: Yes, the Shire is being seeded now, and has the beginnings of the various families we know and love, now including the Brandybucks, wonderful mixture between Stoors and Fallohides that they are of course.

And so glad you appreciate how things are falling out between the two wizards. One tends to attract distress, while the other is attracted to it, hoping to be able to ease it.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/17/2006
Gandalf is certainly a handy fellow to have on your side, isn't he.

Is the herb that he brought from oversea athelas? I thought that athelas came from Numenor.

Is Modoc the ancestor of the Brandybucks?

Will we see more of Radagast?

Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Yes, I think I'd like to have Gandalf on my side if I were in trouble, too.

The herb he brought wasn't athelas, which indeed came from Numenor. Since the breaking of the world, it is now round; and on a far shore Dunedain traders and explorers learned of quinine.

Yes, I think Modoc is indeed ancestor to the Brandybucks, and I know we will see Radagast and suspect we'll even see the blue wizards at least once more.

Am sorry it's taking longer to get things done--between MEFAs and illness on the part of a client I'm a bit distracted.

Thanks so much for the feedback.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/17/2006
What terrible suffering,the people had to endure.It could not have been easy for Gandalf to witness either.

Author Reply: To realize he had the ability to aid in some small way must have been reassuring to him, and to see another group of Hobbits enter Eriador and what will be the Shire....

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/16/2006
This is an incredibly interesting story, Larner, although I especially love the chapters with the hobbits. Saruman is so arrogant I just want to smack him!
Loved the line from Elrond, that it was somehow right and comforting that the hobbits should settle the Shire. The pieces are falling into place in ways which Saruman can never imagine.

Plague and rabies.........just the sort of diseases the enemy would use!

Author Reply: Yes, Sauron would like the diseases that are vicious and deadly in their nature. But in his own vanity he can't appreciate others are undesirous of power and are as intelligent as he is, and capable of meeting the challenge of the illnesses he sends.

And the one prophecy, that he would be brought down by one who dwelt for a time between the Old Forest and the Baranduin, comes a step closer to being met, by a people he has no knowledge of--or at least no regard for.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/16/2006
Problems with the lap-top internet! *Grrrrrr*

And so the Brandybucks join the Tooks - wonderful.

Author Reply: At LONG last I can finally get online with the server and get my email! In the months since the server went out in May over nine thousand emails had built up! It's been a trip, let me tell you! I HATE hackers!

And yes, those who will be known as the Oldbucks and then the Brandybucks have at last entered the Shire. Glad you approve.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/15/2006
A great description of the plagues that Sauron sent out to decimate his foes--I like the way you have used RL historical epidemics as a model--bubonic plague, rabies, malaria--very well described! You must have done a lot of research for this!

And now we see the ancestors of the Brandybucks arrive in the Shire...

Author Reply: So glad you approve, Dreamflower. Sauron has become aware of biological warfare, and is pulling out no stops at the moment, learning how he can send diseases into his enemies' lands. Maybe one of them will reach the royal line of Arnor, and he's already been able to wipe out the more direct lineage of Gondor. He'll bide his time until he can find more ways to perhaps relieve him of the lineage of Elendil.

And, yes, the Brandybucks now have ancestors in the Shire. Glad all appreciate that.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/15/2006
Interesting that the Men seem to be quicker on the uptake than Elves or Wizards. The Men observe that Gandalf is always around when bad things happen, and suspect that he might be responsible for them. Gandalf and Elrond, on the other hand, observe that Saruman passes through places right before bad things happen, and never think twice about that. Everyone guesses wrong, but at least the Men are trying to put two and two together. . .

Author Reply: Oh, I agree, French Pony. The Wizards aren't yet paying attention to how the folk of Dunland and Gondor are beginning to make connections and seeing that as Gandalf tends to come when things are worst they might seek to blame him. That he will one day be known as Gandalf Stormcrow is now set among many men.

Elrond is beginning to make the real connections, but is distracted by the needs of the moment, I think.

But the Men of Middle Earth aren't stupid, of course.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/15/2006
Ah, plague and rabies both! Horrible diseases.

Good to see hobbits continuing to move into the Shire - and that Modoc's about to excavate Brandy Hall, if I'm not mistaken.

Nicely done!

Author Reply: Well, even though he's not going to excavate Brandy Hall himself, Modoc's descendants will have the knowledge he found that site seen across the Baranduin a tempting one, leading the Oldbucks one day to head that direction and take the empty lands between the river and the Old Forest for their own.

As mosquitoes that carry malaria are more endemic to warmer climes, I suspected that the northern kingdom would experience less of that particular illness than would Gondor; therefore there would probably be another condition Sauron would experiment with and send north once the second wave of mosquitoes were blown eastward rather than westward. And I do think that Sauron and his folk would particularly appreciate how rabies affects people, don't you?

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/15/2006
Elrond had also appeared both surprised and reassured by the news the Periannath would settle there. "I cannot tell you precisely why this word is as comforting as I find it," the Elf said privately to Gandalf before he left the company of the King, "but I find in my heart a feeling that such will in the end work to the good for all."

"You feel it, too, do you?" Gandalf answered him.

I love that little exchange. Aid and security given to these small folk will one day benefit everyone.

Author Reply: So glad you do, Shirebound. That there would be a feeling of rightness to the decision to have the Hobbits colonize the Shire just seems likely to me, particularly from Gandalf and Elrond.

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