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History Lessons  by Nilmandra 2 Review(s)
hawkeyeReviewed Chapter: 11 on 7/5/2014
So many things happening in this chapter! I love the innocence of the elflings and how you show that through their care for Elrond. In may ways, I think remembering all these things will be good for Elrond too, not just a good history lesson for his sons. It's also wonderful to get Celeborn's perspective on events. I know it's been said that children are wonderful observers but poor interpreters. In other words, as children we observe a lot but the perceptions are often limited. I think for Elrond having Celeborn's older perspective is helping him understand and come to terms with perceptions that were horrible and confusing for Elrond as a child.

Okay Celeborn and Glorfindel training. I just can't. They are both my heroes, and I think that scene just made my week... how about year?

Very interesting twist to the story. I wonder how Glorfindel will deal with this over time, especially given the time and planning he put into this trip. Elrond's stubbornness in rescuing the elflings wasn't a huge surprise, but I loved seeing it. Thinking back to an earlier chapter, I have a hard time seeing Elrond making the same choice that his parents did. Perhaps that is just because we don't really know his parents that well, but there is just a part of me that can't see him doing that. But I digress.

Wonderful chapter again. Thank you, Nilmandra, so much for a lovely story.

InarielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/1/2005
"Celeborn finished as tears streamed down the faces of both of his grandsons." Tears streamed down MY face, too, when I read this chapter... I cried both when I read about the lives of Elros and Elrond as hostages in Maedhros' and Maglor's hands, and when I read about Elladan and Elrohir's rescue from that cave. This is a very dramatic chapter, well written, with bits of humor thrown in to lessen the tension at the right time.

I read a bit further by now, but then I saw that this chapter had no review and I thought that it deserved one... Clumsy though it may be. (English is obviously not my native language, so please bear with my clumsy expressions when they occur.:-()


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