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The Wanderer  by Lackwit 6 Review(s)
phyloxenaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/19/2008
I was going to nominate this story for MEFA, but didn't find you on the list and have no contact information to submit. If you don't mind nomination, could you please send me your email on
phyloxena at yahoo dot com?
Thank you,

phyloxenaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/22/2007
As I'm reading some abridged version of Odyssey to my kids, I stumbled upon this story again and surprised with your choice of model, through I think I can understand it. Odyssey with his numerous betrayals is nothing like moral Steward, but as Faramir is rather modern compared to other Man-heroes of LotR, Odyssey is far more civilized and modern than other monster heroes of Greek epic. And the frame of wanderer returning to reclaim his and himself is surely one to hold my breath. Sorry I'm being incoherent. Love this story. Please, continue.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/7/2007
I am enjoying this very much and like this M-e version of Homer.It works well.

BMReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/28/2006
I wasn't sure what to think of this story at first, but you definitely have me hooked now! I can't wait to see what happens next! Very good writing, as well--your characterizations are deep and realistic, drawing your readers into the story, and your descriptions and scene settings are so vivid that I can hear and see what is going on in my mind's eye to the point that I lose touch with what is going on around me--all earmarks of an excellent writing style and story. Your plot is intriguing, pulling me in instantly, and I could have screamed when I hit the end of what you have currently posted!

Please continue with this story and post the next chapter soon! thanks for sharing such great talent.

Author Reply: Glad you are enjoying the tale and that you changed your initial impression :)

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/28/2006
Hmmm. I would think that Faramir would be honor-bound, as Steward of Gondor to go first to the King before tackling problems in Ithilien, but I can see how that would impair the plot.

Is Eowyn true, or has she given up on Faramir? I wonder if she's taken up weaving tapestries?!

More soon, I hope.

Author Reply: No matter what, I would have written a way to keep Faramir away from Minas Tirith! :)

In determining the direction of the story I actually wrestled with this point for a while and at last decided that the Prince of Ithilien's responsibilities (as a vassal of the king) outweighed those of the Steward of Gondor. IMO Faramir's first duty would be to ensure his land was in order, although of course he would have to keep Aragorn informed. Although he could have raced to Minas Tirith for a quick hello and then zoomed off to Ithilien, I found it plausible that Faramir would feel honorbound to take care of his little problem, i.e. his king gave him this responsibility and never let it be said that Faramir would let his king down.

Thanks for the thoughtful reviews. A pleasure to hear from such a Faramir aficianado as you!

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/28/2006
Oh, I like what you're doing with this! I'm re-reading the Odessey for a Classical Humanities course and it's been fun picking up the bits from Homer's story in your tale. I like your characterizations (especially the way Faramir has to struggle with keeping "in character" now that he's back in Ithilien--ver yrealistic). I most definitely intend to read this through to the end and look forward to your next postings.

Are you going to keep it essentially Faramir's POV or have some bits from Eowyn's POV? Eowyn as Penelope...hmmmm...what is she doing in the place of weaving? I really can't see the former Shieldmaiden sittign at a loom; Ireally can't...

Thanks for sharing this story!


Author Reply: The Odyssey has been among my favorites for years and it has been great fun (and challenging!) to fit something so fantastic into the more prosaic world of Fourth Age Middle Earth. I am amazed at how much has stuck in my memory (literally years since I had read it); I bought a new copy to replace the one I sadly lost but I don't like this translation much at all.

It will all be from Faramir's POV, partly to keep the pace of the story under control.

Well, Éowyn/Penelope is definitely another area of digression :) I have always found Penelope a bit too powerless for my taste (she spent a hell of a lot of time crying and even knuckled under to Telemachus!) As for Éowyn, I hope you will find my treatment of her character believable at least.

Glad you are liking it so far.

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