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Number Three, Bagshot Row  by GamgeeFest 13 Review(s)
nancylea57Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/5/2008
the things we do for love, we really have no choice if we are going to protect some people, i have a frodo like person in my life and i hate the little ways i use to get info. but if all is good in the end i will call it a day.

Author Reply: Sam will do whatever he has to in order to keep his Master safe, including lie to him and spy on him. Frodo might open up to Sam about a lot of things, but he keeps just as much back. It must have been a relief to them both when Gandalf caught Sam under the window.

lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2007
This was a great little series of fics. Very well written and fun to read.

Author Reply: Thank you! This is a story I've been meaning to write for quite awhile now and Dreamflower's request finally got me to work on it. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the results!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/3/2007
Another very enjoyable (and enlightening) installment, GamgeeFest. I especially liked how it was Frodo himself that made the suggestion to his cousins that Sam would make a much more efficient and convenient spy. LOL! Although poor Frodo--having to deal with such loving cousins, sheesh! :D


Author Reply: Thank you Julie! I'm so glad you enjoyed this!

I think it was in "A Tale..." that I first had Frodo tell Merry that having Sam spy on him would be much more convenient than Merry visiting all the time. :D It was fun to finally work that into my regular fanon. And this way, they can always point out that Frodo *told* them to do it! Frodo can't argue with that. ;)

Frodo knows his cousins love him to bits and pieces and he appreciates it - just not when they smother him so darn much. A fellow has to breathe, after all. :D

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/2/2007
Oh, GF, I love it--just the way you write Sam! This was very transporting; I could feel everything Sam did here. The last was especially powerful. Yes, sometimes we have to do things for love that make us want to melt into the ground or hide somewhere, but hard as that was for Sam, think if he hadn't...or don't. :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Thank you Queeny! It was interesting seeing the Conspiracy unfold through Sam's eyes. I'm glad it felt so real for you! :)

Sam would risk everything for Frodo, even his friendship with him, to ensure that his master was safe. He might have felt guilt-ridden much of the time, but he knew it was for the best in the long run. And of course he knew that his friendship with Frodo was never truly at risk, which just goes to show how strong that relationship already was, even at this early time.

pebbles66Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/1/2007
Oh, I just enjoyed this so much! I love how you write Sam. It sounds to me exactly like book-Sam would feel and talk. I especially liked the middle fic, when Frodo is getting so fed up with Merry and Pippin not leaving him alone. I liked Frodo getting more and more irritated, and Merry just egging him on, with Sam knowing the storm was breaking soon. Sam was so devoted to Frodo. Very touching.

Author Reply: Hello pebbles! It's so good to hear from you! (hugs)

Sam is the quintessential hobbit, so it's important to me that he sounds right. I'm glad I was able to accomplish that. :)

I'm also glad you enjoyed the row in the kitchen so much! That was the vignette I was most worried about, mostly because of Frodo's reactions. So it's good to know that it plays out realistically. Frodo may have a higher boiling point than most hobbits, but he does still have one, and Merry and Pippin are the best at helping him reach it! lol

There was never a more loyal soul than Sam. He and Frodo were *meant* to go together.

Thank you for reading!

AltheaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/31/2007
The progression from the first part of this installment to the third is wonderful. I love how Sam went from spying for Frodo to spying on him and how in both cases his actions were due to his love for his master. It was also very interesting to watch how Sam went from being of little importance in Merry's eyes to a key member of the conspiracy. Perhaps Merry was a bit jealous of Sam in the second section, or perhaps Merry truly did not understand his importance; still I was pleased to learn how Merry came to rely on Sam. I am very much enjoying this series of stories.

Author Reply: Frodo will no doubt be kicking himself after Sam reminds him that he was the one to teach Sam to spy in the first place. What goes around comes around, as they say. But Sam only ever concerned himself with what was best for Frodo. As long as he could justify his actions in that regard, then he was willing to do anything.

Merry was jealous of Sam almost from the start, for the very reason that he knew how important Sam was to Frodo. For a long time, he felt as though Sam had replaced him in Frodo's life. Once he realized that wasn't true, he was able to repair his lost friendship with Sam - again out of love for Frodo - and they forged a strong and loyal bond of their own. Just in time for the Conspiracy too. ;)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/31/2007
Oh, poor old Sam! But without Frodo the Shire wouldn't be the same for him, and so he gives in and becomes the most important member in the conspiracy!

I like the parallels between Merry and Sam, especially those concerning Estella and Rosie. The scene in the kitchen was great and very vivid, although I don't want to receive the Baggins Look ;-)

And, was it just my imagination or did I notice that Sam's way to speak has improved through the years? With Bilbo and Frodo around, I can very well imagine that.

But I have to admit that I like it when he says things like

Master Frodo doesn’t like this but he ain’t got no choice but to accept it.

Just wonderful :)

Author Reply: Without Sam, Merry and the others would have been left out in the dark about everything - which would have been truly disasterous.

It may have taken them awhile to find a commonground, but Merry and Sam can really relate to each other in that last scene. Merry would have relied on Sam's condolences in regards to Estella even more than he would Frodo's and Pippin's. I wouldn't want to receive the Baggins Look either! No wonder Merry was able to survive the Witch King, and Pippin the palantir, after being the receiver of that Look too many times to count! :P

It was not your imagination and I'm so thrilled that you noticed it! *bounces* :D Even though I tried to be subtle, I did also try to show the influence of Sam's teachings through his speech. Even if he would never gain a gentlehobbit's grasp of language, he would still tend to speak a bit more formally than his peers.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/31/2007
We’re silent for several minutes, each of us lost in our own thoughts, me of Rosie and him of Estella. He lost his only chance with his love in order to protect Mr. Frodo, and I look to be taking the same risk.

Dear Sam. Dear Merry. *hugs them* What a wonderful series of conspiracies, Gamgeefest.

Author Reply: Thankfully, we know that Sam and Merry will each end up with their lass and live happily ever after with them. :D The conspiracies were fun to come up with and to track Sam's progress toward becoming the spy for The Conspiracy.

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/31/2007
Perfect, from start to finish. And, ah, the ending was so emotional. Thanks.

Author Reply: Thanks cookie! I really didn't want to end with a sappy ending, but this story rather warranted it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, sap and all! :D

elanor winterflowersReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/31/2007
Oh, this is wonderful! Voice, pacing, terrific little nuggets of backstories--I liked this very much!

Author Reply: Thank you elanor! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

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