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Mardil Goes A-Courting  by Le Rouret 6 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/2/2007
Well - Legolas might be an elf, and consequently very old and wise, but his choice of marriage partners sounds a bit suspect! 40 and 14? It is, maybe, not much of an age gap for an elf (although he could perhaps have learned from his own experience with barely-adult brats) but it is pretty wide for men - and kids.

Although, remarkably, he seems to have more or less won over the girl's father! (Even if he is substituting a marginally older bride). Now he just needs the groom's consent.

Author Reply: And elf, and very old ... but not so wise, perhaps?

Don't worry about the groom - he's the least of Legolas' troubles at this point!

Camp6311Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/26/2007
The groom agrees, the bride's father has given his consent, the hall is rented, so where is the problem??

Wait, the bride and groom have yet to be told, and did Legolas really give up his first choice in bride so easily? I'm reminded of the story of Rebecca and Rachel in the Bible, perhaps Mardil will find himself wedded to both maidens....

Author Reply: Hm, not sure if that was legal in Gondor ... I don't recall reading anything about it, but I'm sure Legolas wouldn't consent to such nonsense (nor would Mardil, for that matter). I'm sure Legolas would say that one bride was more than enough!

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/23/2007
*giggle* This is so fluffy and funny... and you still keep the forsooth speech that makes your stories so "period" feeling.

Why do I have a feeling though that our dear Green Knight is going to find everything topsy-turvy to what he thinks is the thing to do? *giggle*

Thanks for this lovely fun tale.

Author Reply: Thank you! I have a soft spot for fluff. Angst and blood-letting is all very well, but every once in a while you just need to turn your brain off ...

TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/23/2007
Devious!!!! Deliciously devious!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I can't wait to see how this plays out!!!! Legolas can drop his day job!!

Author Reply: His "day job" - as Midwife? ;-)

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/23/2007
Sweet Lord, Legolas as match maker. Trust him with my life yes, trust him to find me a spouse, I think not. As always you have a fine story going, I love it. I just have a sneaking suspicion that Mardil will end up with a bride not because of any thing Legolas comes up with but in spite of his antics.
Where is Bandobras when you need him.

Post soon,

Author Reply: I've twisted Tolkien's tertiary character to be a jouster, a multimillionaire, a cuckold, a midwife, and an adopted uncle why not match-maker? Heaven knows he likes to keep his fingers in all the available pies!

NinnaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/23/2007
I swear you're trying to kill us...a naked Legolas and a wicked little smile at the end of each chapter...methinks there is more going on in that complicated elven mind than we know at the moment!

Author Reply: Oh, the wheels are turning, that's for sure ... now on to the next complication!

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