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The Most Beautiful  by A. Meril 7 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/29/2016
Just came across this...very nice. Such a different perspective, and you described her competing loves and yearnings so vividly. Thanks for writing!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/19/2007
Beautifully and imaginatively written; this vignette makes one feel the two very different halves of Melian's existence; her being caught between two different worlds.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review, Raksha! I'm very pleased that this turned out well, and that people are enjoying it.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/18/2007
This is lovely. I would venture that the voices of Elves and children are a part of the Song as well . . . but certainly different than that heard in Aman. Tolkien created his world, particularly in the Silmarillion, with great sweeping strokes of an epic mythology, and I miss the smaller, more intimate details of individual characters' lives. It is stories like this one that fill in those gaps and make me really appreciate fanfiction. Thank you.

Author Reply: Exactly, that's what I was going for: Melian was involved in the world's creation, so why does she stay in Arda?

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/18/2007
How lovely! What must it have been like for a Maia to love and live in Middle-earth? This captures it so beautifully. Your language is gorgeous.

Author Reply: *beams* Such a nice compliment, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this.

MithLuinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/18/2007

Wonderful story - glad you've posted it here. It is sometimes easy to wonder why on earth (or, well, Middle Earth) Melian would have stuck around. She seems so much wiser than her husband, and must find the elves tiresome at least occasionally. You've captured her wonder at the whole experience (and especially with her daughter) beautifully.

Author Reply: Thank you! That's what I was trying to puzzle out; I'm glad it worked. :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/18/2007
How absolutely beautiful. This is like poetry.

Author Reply: What a lovely compliment. :)

NessaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/18/2007
This is written beautifully. I like it very much. Please post your other stories on Arda. I read here exclusively..

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed my story.

I was very happy when I was approved to post, and I'm planning on posting more here. :)

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