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13th Birthday by Stefania | 3 Review(s) |
Celebne | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/9/2007 |
Interesting beginning. The 13 year old Faramir is very well characterized. Author Reply: Thanks, Celebne. I hope you stick with 13th Birthday. I suspect you might enjoy the rest of the events on this important day for Faramir. | |
Raksha The Demon | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/25/2007 |
A great first chapter, with a haunting last line. Good depiction of 13-year-old Faramir as a young fellow who is leaving childhood but not quite old enough to be a man, in between both stages, in a charming way. Author Reply: Thanks, Raksha. Thanks for being an inspiration. The second chapter is about 50 percent done, but I currently can't log in to my work computer, where the text is stored, to finish it yet. Maybe tomorrow. Boromir is intent on getting Faramir to lighten up in a big way in the next chapter. I suspect that this story will end up being less fearful Faramir and more a character study of the two brothers and their relationship to Dad. - Steff | |
MerryK | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/24/2007 |
Nice work! I like the twist on the relationship between Denethor, Boromir and Faramir, that has Boromir the one getting the most attention and therefore also the most punishment. The last line of Faramir's was very moving. Author Reply: Thanks, Merry. This is the story that got me out of my creative writing dry spell. As far as Boromir getting more punishment is concerned, that is so the case of the oldest of siblings. The oldest child is the one the parents must experiment on. When the later children come along, the parents already have some practice. My thought is Denethor might have weilded the cane on Boromir (spare the rod; spoil the child). Since he was only marginally successful with Boromir, I imagine that he tried the more modern "deprivation" type of punishment with Faramir. As in--you are a bad boy so you can't go out and play. I never had children so I am no expert. On the other hand, I am the older sister of a brother. Believe me, I got punished (though not caned, of course) much more than the kid brother. In fact, he confesses to this day that he used to set me up. I still love him. - STeff | |