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Interrupted Journeys: Part 4 Journeys of Discovery  by elliska 5 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/25/2007
I was sure that I had reviewed this, but I see that I had only read it... Thranduil is great here with Tulus, I thnk, and his conversations parent to parent was a total... failure almost. HE did manage to instill some uncertainties but also showed a weaker flank.. as it happens again with good actions. And poor Legolas has run into something he would have been happier ignoring. I must say that I am really enjoying the children´s toils in this tale with the backdrop of adult´s politics. Life is so complicated most of the times! Poor Tulus. He has a dumb log of a son!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/24/2007
I loved the first scene. Thranduil just totally owns Tulus there. But when he went to talk to Dolwon and Dannenion -- I think we could all guess that that one wasn't going to go so well. No parent likes to be told that Their Kid has done something wrong, especially by the king. Thranduil may be fooling himself into thinking that he's talking father to father here, but I don't think Dolwon and Dannenion are entirely convinced of that.

Then I read this: “What sort of a child would be so deceitful that they would tell lies designed to deflect blame from themselves? I have never heard of such a thing. Where would a child as young as our children learn such behaviors?”

and I just about fell out of my chair laughing. Thranduil is such a first-time parent. Because we all know that little kids never ever EVER lie to deflect blame. Right? Right? *crickets*

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/11/2007
Wow! Tulus is being tactful!! I almost get the feeling that he and Thranduil could come to a wary understanding - especially as Tulus seems clearly fond of and appreciative of Legolas. (No surer way to a father's heart.)

But then - he has a father's heart, too - and Gilbert is clearly an idiot. Not even clever with it, but one waving a flag with a message on it, saying 'I am an idiot'. I am very glad Legolas withstood temptation - but since Galithil has already fallen, trouble is doubtless on its way.

It will be awful if Maidhien, who has made her way into the edge of the elflings' friendship group, turns out to be the one who succeeds in causing the trouble. But she is a suspicious - and rather defiant - little thing. (Parental influence, no doubt.) And will unconsciously introduce the palace elflings to things their parents would prefer them not to learn.

Dolwon seems a bit more sensible than Dannenion. Perhaps Thranduil might manage to shove a wedge between the two of them. (I loved the 'can I borrow a cell' line!)

But matters are getting increasingly complicated as the elflings grow older. And Galithil gets more headstrong.

Author Reply: Poor Tulus! :-) He really is trying. And he really likes the children. Of course he has his own (adult) child, as you said... And he is more troublesome, indeed. Galithil has definitely made a bad mistake. And poor little Maidhien. She just doesn't know better. She has so many bad influences.

(And I think there were many times my parents considered a cell for me). ;-)

Thanks so much for the review, Bodkin! I really appreciate them!

MarieReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/9/2007
Hi Elliska
I have been reading your stories for some time now, and I thought I might poke my head out and tell you that I'm enjoying them very much, and I'm happy to see you back again and continuing this epic journey. You did give us a preview of how it will all end in Valinor, and you have had me hooked since that very beginning.
I'm really liking Tulus (much to my surprise)but does he still know more than is good for him? Since I'm guessing he was the one to send for Conuiön.. And what did Thranduil see, or not see, in those branches?
I found myself being really proud of Legolas when he kept his promises (as if I had something to do with that.. :-)), and I think Thranduil would have been too, if he could get over his anger at Glalivon, for teaching the elflings, when he was not supposed to.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I think you are doing a wonderful job, and I am patiently (or not, as it would be) waiting for the rest of this story.


Author Reply: Hi Marie! I so appreciate you dropping in with a review. It is such a fun surprise for me! I am very glad to be back posting as well. I missed my fun writing time and I am glad to have reclaimed it a bit.

Tulus knows a great deal. He really becomes an important character, though he has a long way to go in this story yet. As for what Thranduil saw, you will find that out in the next chapter, but I'll leave you wondering about why he saw it for a while--mean author! ;-)

Legolas was a very good child in this chapter, because playing with that bow had to be tempting. I think Thranduil would have been very proud of that.

Thank you so much for the review! I am glad you are enjoying!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/8/2007
I really liked Legolas's belief that a promise is to be kept, quickly echoed by Thranduil telling Maidhien that he was keeping his promise to her. And it looks like Thranduil is making progress with Dolwon if not Dannenion.

Galithil is bold as brass, even willing to argue with Thranduil, who, as Tulus notes, comes from a fiery family. Of course, so does Galithil.

Author Reply: We have talked about before that promises/one's word would be very important in general to these people and particularly to Thranduil's household. I definitely believe that. And the significance of it is fun to play with. :-)

Sometimes, if I am having trouble doing anything else, I put two characters together that can't really be together in the story, but that I think would be funny to play with, and I write a silly dialogue between them, just to get myself going. Galithil and Oropher together usually make me laugh. Galithil is a First Age spirit--definitely fiery. ;-)

Thranduil definitely made some progress, in more ways than he yet knows.

Thanks so much for the reviews, daw. I really appreciate them so much!

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