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Might Have Beens by Larner | 28 Review(s) |
Kara's Aunty | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/23/2009 |
Hello Larner, OH MY GOSH!! I [i]loved[/i] that! Absolutely loved it!! Poor Frodo! Knowing that he was losing the fight - knowing he'd have to ask his dearest friend to do a deed that could possibly destroy him. Knowing it was for the very sake of that friend (and all his dear ones) that Sam would have no other choice but to do it. Poor, poor Sam, who'd sooner kill himself than his master, sccepting the inevitable after his friend [i]begs[/i] him for death's release. And ohmigosh, poor Merry and Pip having to witness their cousin's fate! I loved the short discussion with Aragorn and Elrond, about Sauron making the most dangerous of enemies in Sam, after what the Hobbit had been forced to do. Tragic, dramatic, exciting, beautifully written stuff. I would LOVE to read this as a longer, stand-alone fic, to see how the quest would develop and if Sam really could make it all the way to Mordor to destroy the Ring fuelled by by the desire to avenge his friend. Would he go alone? Or would he have company? If so, who? And how would his companion's absence from their own part in the Quest affect whatever events they would normally have played a part in? Ooh, sounds too delicious for words! Other projects (and real life, of course) permitting, would you consider developing this as a multi-chaptered fic? M :) Author Reply: Hi, Maureen. I answered this--or attempted to--when you wrote your comment, but then my server timed out, and getting back to it has taken forever, it seems. This was written to follow "Request for Mercy" in the "Moments in Time" collection, in which Sam hears a conversation between Frodo and Aragorn as to what will happen if the Morgul knife does it's intended work, followed by Frodo making his request of Sam. It's quite angsty, naturally enough, and won a MEFA, IIRC. I've considered writing up this full AU; but Adrienne, who used to post on this site and now posts on FF.n, has asked permission to write hers first, so I'm letting her do so. I've not heard from her for a while, so am not certain how far she's gone. She finds she writes best in vignettes, and she's written the beginning of Sam's transformation as he rises from his stupor I described and starts setting things into motion to the Sammath Naur scene. That one she's posted, and it's pretty brutal. The ones she's written on Sam in the Halls of Mandos are sad as well. I'd write it an entirely different way, of course; but that's how things go in fanfiction, which is how we can all write about the same events and still seem fresh and new to one another. So, one day I may write this, but have too many stories on the fire right now to take up yet another. I HAVE to finish Stirring Rings, The Tenant from Staddle, and Or Perchance before I do any more long ones. I promised! | |
Socrates399 | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/17/2009 |
So, apparently I've never reveiwed this story, even though I've read it many times. It is very powerful. I actually wondered if you had "Of Mice and Men" in mind when you wrote it. Maybe it's just my obssession with Steinbeck's book that makes me see it--but almost the last thing George says to Lennie is "I ain't mad. I ain't never been mad, and that a thing I want you to know" which is as close as George Milton could possibly get to saying "I love you"...and then he throws the gun down and stares at his right hand, sort of the way Sam does in your story... Of course, Steinbeck and Tolkien, as far as I can tell, had very different ideas about the universe and life, and it makes sense that Steinbeck actually had this kind of "mercy killing" whereas Tolkien did not. Author Reply: No, I'll admit I never read "Of Mice and Men," athough I have an idea of its story, of course. But I think that the comparison is a valid one. That Tolkien would allow for this possible scenario is very questionable, but I do think it is a possible Might-have-been, and one that would have forged an implacable foe toward Sauron out of Sam Gamgee. One reader has found a good deal of inspiration out of this story, coupled with her love of Fiondil's works--I rather hope she will one day publish it all! Thanks so. This story and "Angainor" are the two that have gathered the most interest and contraversy out of this collection. Am so glad this has managed to capture your attention in particular! | |
Ainu-Yavanna | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/20/2009 |
I hope you will never allow any little Nazgûl on your shoulder to convince you to continue this powerful and wonderful story, because the thought of what would become of Sam in the end would be to dreadful. Gandalf said once to Frodo, that Bilbo starting the Ring-business with sympathy and mercy left him safe and sound in the end. Sam would start with hate and anger and grief – oh, the Ring would love that. I have a feeling that under this circumstances Sam would not resist the Ring as long as Frodo did. Author Reply: Ah, have a friend who is working on continuations of this one. You are right that the Ring will have far more to work with in Sam should this have happened; but what awareness he could also have found to identify when the Ring was working on him so as to fight Its influence the better? But this story so far is not working on me to continue it, particularly as I've been having difficulties finishing the four long stories I'm currently working on! | |
Periantari | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/11/2007 |
omg how chilling. :( So sad but an interesting situation to read nevertheless. Gosh this one was very sad. Frodo Baggins may be dead, but in being forced to slay his Master this one has taken on a wrath and purpose the likes of which Arda has never seen. He would storm Barad-dûr itself now, and never count the cost. Sauron is doomed.†I can see Sam being determined to see this through but i can also see him being too traumatized to go on... And "Sam's still form"-- is he dead too then? :( Author Reply: Yes, this is one that is filled with sheer angst! The trauma would be enough to nearly destroy his ability to know happiness from then on, I fear. And, no, Sam isn't dead, but for the moment almost catatonic in reaction. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/4/2007 |
Oh Larner - I truly think Sam would have made it - like pulling a stubborn, rose bush suffocating, weed from a garden. He was made of incredibly strong stuff. As for Namo - I was privileged to have Fiondil write a Namo story about 'My Sword Sings' that was just chilling! Namo does not like 'bad' people, cruel people... Called Retribution.... http://www.storiesofarda.com/chapterlistview.asp?SID=5438 Author Reply: Oh, I read Fiondil's story based on My Sword Sings and loved it. But how Sam might have recovered would be the interesting part to examine, I think. And I doubt he would have disliked Sam Gamgee. So glad you see him as indeed made of strong stuff--I agree. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2007 |
Chilling - but well-written. Not such a stretch of the imagination, unfortunately. And I like what Elrond said about Sam. *shudders in grief* Author Reply: Yes, indeed chilling, and just one small detail going different somewhat early on. And I do believe Sam would have become remarkably formidable. The questions to answer would be: would he survive the Sammath Naur? I personally have my doubts. how would anyone--Aragorn, Namo, or whomever, deal with the aftermath? One person has written some drabbles dealing with this scenario that are VERY angsty. Poor Sam! | |
Frodo Baggins | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2007 |
wow! This was so sad! I'm glad this is just a might of been, too. But then again, Sauron may have been defeated quicker had Sam been like that. Of course, the Ring could have taken hold of him easier because of that anger and fury. Well, hantanyel, my friend. Great story, albeit sad. Namarie, God Bless, Frodo Baggins Author Reply: One day I just MIGHT try writing out this scenario, but NOT right now. Glad it caught your attention, and good to hear from you! Thanks for the feedback. | |
Daynawayna | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2007 |
Hoooo-leeee... oh my.... wow..... Damn woman! Now THAT was intense! I just... wow. Amazing. I think I'm gonna like these! :) Author Reply: Yes, that first one IS rather intense, isn't it? What would Sam do as the Ringbearer under such circumstances? Glad you think you'll like these. And thanks for the feedback. | |
Queen Galadriel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/25/2007 |
Well, I read it. Finally. What can I say that hasn't already been said? I dread to think of Sam when that horror hits home. I dread to think of what will haunt him along his way. I dread to think of the end of the journey for him. Will he have the will to come back? But Elrond is right: Sauron is doomed, because of his own evil. The thought that this all might have been avoided had they waited a few moments more is terrible. God bless, Galadriel Author Reply: Maybe one day I'll write out the rest of this story, but not yet. If I do it'll be too intense to want to do much in the way of other writing while I work on it. Maybe Frodo could have lasted those few moments more--but if he was convinced the shard was nearly to his heart I think he would have begged for this. As for the horror hitting home--right now he's in shock, and in a rage the intensity of which even Sauron can't understand. Once that rage is unleashed.... Glad you could finally bring yourself to read it. | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/27/2007 |
This was truly chilling and something I could all too easily have imagined happening.Very well written,I enjoyed it,if that is quite the right word. Author Reply: Thank you, Linda. Yes, all to easily this might have happened. And glad it at least intrigued you--as you note--this isn't exactly comfortable to read. | |