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The Many Aspects of Merimac Brandybuck  by Lily Dragonquill 4 Review(s)
demeter dReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/30/2007
Nellothiel! That sounds very melodious, indeed elvish. Families needle you about things like children because they care. It is always amusing to see once wild lads of any culture grow up and become fathers, especially fathers of pretty little maids! Frodo still thinks fondly of a lass from his past. But by now, he has lived with Bilbo and the ring for long enough to have his spirit darkened by it. But he could never tell his relatives about that, could he? It is pleasant to see Frodo in happy moments. Lovely little story.

Author Reply: But he could never tell his relatives about that, could he?

Well, I doubt he knew. He's only just 33 and might not even be aware of the Ring's effects. And if he were aware, I doubt he would have associated that with the Ring.
As for Merimac... well, let's just say, Esme is right about him :)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/24/2007

Sweet baby - and Frodo really could do with his own family. With lots of children. But, unfortunately, we know he won't get it.

Merimac, having been such a flirt, will be a very protective father of his little Bluebell.

Author Reply: *grins*
Yes, Merimac will be very protective - and he will teach Berilac to be the same :)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/19/2007
"Besides, he isn't exactly ugly," Merimac went on, oblivious. "There have to be some lasses attracted by him."

ROTFL!!! Oh my! Mac is just wonderful, even if he is indeed *a little* blunt ;-)

Well, from your German story I know that Frodo had at least one girl-friend, if that is a suitable expression for hobbits.

Some people say that it was due to The Ring that he never married. What's your opinion?

If there was something in LOTR I could have wished for, it would have been a family of his own for Frodo!

Author Reply: Clover, in fact, is borrowed from my German story. Nelke in English doesn't sound nice so I changed it to Clover... and Mac knows about the two of them even in the German story .... and will know even more as the years pass by :)

I agree with the common opinion that the Ring is one of the main reasons why Frodo never married. I can't think it really "allowed" him to love.
He would really have deserved to have a family of his own though.

BTW: Have you been looking at my homepage lately? There is a new drawing of Merimac.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/19/2007
Nelothiel, is it? I'll have to remember that one!

And there is nothing at all wrong with Bonnie (after all, that's my given name! Heh!) It would have suited her well!

Love the argument and the admonition for Frodo to find his own love and begin his own family. I often wish he had done so.

And poor Mac--surrounded by womenfolk and poor Frodo. And, yes, this also is Frodo's home.

Author Reply: I'm not sure about Nelothiel. I made it up with help of an Elvish dictionary and it had a nice ring to it :)

It would have been wonderful if Frodo had a family of his own. He would really have deserved that. But well, at least he has one family who will always be there for him - in spite of the teasing :)

Thanks for reading.

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