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The Great Hobbiton Race of 1435 by Llinos | 7 Review(s) |
Marigold | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/9/2008 |
I love the hobbityness of the whole business of setting out the rules and regulations for the race, complete with seven signatures in red ink! This is an important event and the hobbits would react to it in just this way. That folks were coming all of the way from Frogmorton and Pincup for the spectacle is just wonderful – certainly nothing of the like has ever been seen in the Shire before (or will again!) and who would want to miss the chance to see such a thing? This is something to tell the grandchildren about! All of the characterisations were wonderful (as usual) and I especially liked Sam in this, patient and deliberate and making sure that everything is done nice and proper. It's so in his character to help Merry and Pippin out with a wise word of common sense. I loved him putting his hand on Pippin's shoulder, that was just perfect. Merry and Pippin are terrific as well and I loved Merry's frustration and that he is actually reduced to swearing! Shocking behaviour, lol! I also loved the differences in preparation – Merry and Pippin up late at the pub and Sam and Frodo-lad getting a good night's sleep! Most excellently portrayed! | |
colbysgurl | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/8/2008 |
I love that you mentioned the quest and the fact that Sam did most of the fire lighting. ;d another great chapter. | |
Pearl Took | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/27/2007 |
Aw, dear Sam! He knows he'll win, he can afford to be generous or can he? | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2007 |
They didn't read the rules? Oh, dear; and now Sam is having to give them advice! Why am I not surprised? This is going to be fun, I think. | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2007 |
I really love Sam's reasoning for accepting the challenge. He knows what good friends they are, and after what they've been through together, no silly competition will drive any wedges between them. Frodo-lad tickles me no end. | |
Grey Wonderer | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2007 |
This is priceless! Looks as if Merry and Pippin were counting on an easy win. This proves that you must NEVER underestimate Sam Gamgee. I liked the image of the kids in the tree. I could just imagine all of the little hobbit feet hanging below the branches of the tree while they watched. | |
PIppinfan1988 | Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/26/2007 |
If laughter is the best medicine, then I ought to be doing pretty well by the time I finish this story, lol! I'm getting such a kick out of Sam. Pippin and Merry are being such fun -- being their usual selves. This is fantastic! | |