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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 3 Review(s)
Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/15/2008
I guess I do get a kick out of history books; just do not ask me to repeat what I read.
At long, long last Galadriel makes her appearance! You do so well in her head. I like the way she interacts with her husband – odd but fun.
Very emotional-laden moment with Hrassa. Galadriel is indeed formidable, with the visions, mind-talking, and the dress. Id she then the setter of the fashions of Elvendom? *g*
Oh dear, Elrovail does have a strange (meanish) sense of humor.

It just gets more and more embarrassing for Aurthon and Laerlinath over the cups.
Quite a good pair are Celeborn and Galadriel. I feel sorry for Galadriel’s dress.
Now what is this menace? And will Hrassa be able to save Celebrian? Or, in the ironic way of visions, will things turn out far from what any of them anticipates?
-Kitt : )

Author Reply: Promise - no pop quizzes.
Odd, you say? *g* I suppose so. But, remember they are both friends and lovers.
I am always supposing that Galadriel chooses to exercise all her powers, including social leadership. There is no doubt that she is aware her every example will be imitated. ;)
Elrovail is a dragon-lady, after all. Do not fault her for trying to enjoy it. ;D

If you ask me, I think C&G were remiss in storing them in the parlor. They should have child-proofed the cabinet.
They have their moments and their motivations. Oh, it'll be fine. Who's gonna notice... or speculate on how it got mussed-up.
Well, not that far from envisioned...

Thanks for reviewing. You are almost at the end!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 20 on 1/3/2008
Yes! You must have him back - Hrassa must definitely be prevailed upon to stay. All sorts of things depend upon it. (Myself, I'd leave it to Celebrian. She's already got her hooks in. And they're barbed to prevent easy removal.)

I love Celeborn and Galadriel together. They fit like puzzle pieces. And build on each other's strengths. (And I'm not surprised Galadriel nearly went into meltdown.)

Aurthôn and Laerlínath didn't know what they were getting into with their wine-pilfering, did they? I hope they make it home before ... well. They wouldn't want to become a public scandal, now would they?

Love it.

Author Reply: Oh certainly! Rest assured that Celeborn has a plan to keep Hrassa hanging around that includes both Galadriel and Celebrian. But, restore him to his old status as a nostel? We'll see... ;)

That's the thing - Celeborn and Galadriel together. I really believe Celeborn would have turned out as a powerful elf-lord as Oropher, Thranduil, or Amdir - or Lord of Harlindon/Eriador/Eregion and ally of Gil-galad as was Cirdan - even King of Lorien himself - if Galadriel were not so glorious and the most wise among elf-women. ...or pulled him into a certain Golodhrim smith's proximity. (Tolkien makes it clear in what he has the characters say, particularly about their lifemate, that they had a strong bond and a great weakness for each other).

At least the two are wed and not just courting! :D Now, that could be scandalous!

Glad you are enjoying! Thanks for the review!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 20 on 12/24/2007
This is a wodnerful Chrsitmas gift, Redheredh! I ws missing your talented flow! :-)

I love many things in this story but I think I like mot the relaionship that you have creted for this two. This playful, changing, self possesed and talented Celeborn is an intriguing, exasperating, fascinating character, as if befits him. I love his depth and complexity, his changing moods and also how he at times aloows himself tobe less than perfect and yet in control. And galadriel is a wise woman who knows the treasure that she holds and by which she is held, and knows perfectly how their mutual bond does make each of them stronger and wiser. A perfectly matched couple, and it shows in such subtle details as their mind games and their witty exchanges, even in private.

It is clear that all Ost in Edhil, and evenm uch of middle Earth dances around them, and they know it, and are comfortable with the fact. This court comes alive so vividly and detailed, and complex that it is a sheer pleasure to follow each chapter in this long night. I am going to re read it all during this holiday.

Have a nice vacation and my best wishes for the next year, with more of this jewels to come!

Author Reply: Well, I am missing your story-telling too! :) Actually, I wanted to get this chapter out before becoming preoccupied with other activities. Else it might have been another month... *sheesh*

A perfectly matched couple, you say? I suppose they do keep it interesting for each other. But, by being less than perfect certainly! ;D The Christmas season has reminded me that Mary and Joseph were *married*. They were not august potentates in their society, but I choose to believe a less than perfect but loving couple who faced their challenges together, not just looking after each other only because they were committed to some higher purpose.

Movers and doers! You gotta respect them for their chutzpah, but also be able enjoy their foibles. I am always very pleased that you are enjoying this tale and grateful that you let me know it. The next chapter is outlined - the entire story has been outlined for some time - but needs the usual polishing. Polishing is why it takes me so long to post. Especially when one line turns into two pages. Several other outlined stories are waiting as well, plenty for years to come, if I could just get them into shape...

Ah well! A Very Merry Christmas and Fortuitous Happy New Year to you!

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