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Vilwarin's Vignettes  by Vilwarin 6 Review(s)
ellieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/4/2010
I know the painting which inspired this. Beautifully done!

Author Reply: Oh, thanks. I think the painting is just perfect for the two of them.

colbysgurlReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/10/2008
Wow..this was really well done. i loved the fact that Faramir played the hapr for Eowyn. very well-written description.. look forward to reading more.

Author Reply: Thank you. For me Faramir is not a warrior but the romantic, renaissance type of man who values old lore and the fine arts.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/31/2007
Lovely! Very lovely, Vilwarin.

Author Reply: Thank you. This piece is actually one of my favourites. It shows a bit of "all's well that ends well".

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/30/2007
Welcome to SoA, Vilwarin! And what a lovely piece to begin with. This is very sweet and moving. I just love how you captured the characters. Eowyn is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing!


Author Reply: Thank you for the nice welcome ;) I like the piece very much myself. I think it shows a differnt side of Éowyn - the romantic, which isn't portrayed very often.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
Vilwarin, this is the most beautiful 'togetherness' tale of these two lovers that I have read so far, that I can remember. It is a keeper and is on my hard drive as I write this. Thank you for romance.

Author Reply: Thank you for the review, Neilia.

I came to love this tale and I'm glad you did too. I think that, even though it's such a beautiful one, this couple is a bit neglected by us fanfiction writers.

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2007
Hi Vilwarin! I'm glad that you jumped at the chance to post. This is a very nice story from Eowyn's PoV. I love how it has this poetic style to it in a way. This quote to me stood out and clearly showed Eowyn's love for Faramir with this line. "No queen will I be, but I desire it no longer. I am the Queen of his heart..."

I don't usually read Eowyn/Faramir but I like this one! ^^

Thanks for writing!

Author Reply: My first review! Thanks a lot. Great you liked it. When I saw that picture, I knew instantly that it were Faramir and Éowyn.

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