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Vilwarin's Vignettes  by Vilwarin 5 Review(s)
colbysgurlReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/10/2008
I'm a little confused here...are you talking about Minis Tirith?

Author Reply: It is ment to be confusing and many people guessed. But what I had in mind were the ruins of Annúminas. I can imagine that the rangers went there - like they did with Fornost. And the stone's waiting for the day the city is rebuilt, something that actually happened after many years of lying in ruins. Thanks for reviewing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2008
As I said on HASA, I can see this stone resting in the ruins of Annuminas, caressed by those of the Northern Dunedain who come through, looking forward to being replaced in the structures of the new northern capital. Not only do the stones of Hollin grieve!


Author Reply: Yes, there are other places that have cause to grieve. It was indeed Annúminas I had in mind as I wrote this. I can see the Dúnedain coming up there and honouring the place.
Thanks for commenting.

AlquawendeReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/1/2008
I really enjoyed this, especially from the perspective that you chose to write it in. It's very unique. Thanks for writing!

Author Reply: Thanks. It was about time that the silent ones get a voice. If stone could talk, I wonder what they would say.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/30/2007
Whoa! This is fabulous! Gimli could 'feel' this stone. Well written. A keeper.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/30/2007
Oh, another lovely short! Just perfect! You captured the view of the stone so well!


Author Reply: Thank you. I saw it lying there and heard its lament.

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