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Of Toddlers and Porridge  by Esteliel 7 Review(s)
ShlainReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/23/2009
I must say that the elves are VERY patient with the little sprite! I do like fics where little Aragorn gets the other elves wrapped around his little finger - well almost anyway. I like reading stories where the twins are doting brothers to their human sibling. And nice work in giving Erestor a less I-shall-not-smile-nor-be-merry role. Too many authors make him so melancholy. Oh and nice recipe there! We had a wicked cold front in the middle of our blazing summer and I thought I'd try that porridge. Delicious! Shlain

Author Reply: Hi Shlain,

Thanks for your wonderful review! And glad you liked the porridge :)! It is one of my old favourites. ;) If you like stories where the twins are doting brothers to their human sibling, and in which Aragorn gets the other elves wrapped around his little finger, you may want to check out an author on called Ithilvalon. She has written two lovely tales, 'Elladan's Trials' and its sequel 'Healing Hope' in which the twins are doting brothers to 4-year-old Estel. Both have a good plot plus a lot of Estel/twins fluff. I personally enjoyed them very much.

Enjoy! And thanks for the review!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/7/2008
Der große Strategist Glorfindel hat die Schachpartie verloren? Beschämend! :D

Aha, für Plätzchen kann Estel nicht nur "bitte" sagen, sondern auch seinen neuen Namen lernen! Da sieht man doch mal wieder, daß man nur die richtige Bestechung braucht *grins*

Habe ich schon mal erwähnt, daß ich Deinen Estel liebe? Und es ist so amüsant zu beobachten, wie all diese Jahrtausende alten Elben mit dem Kleinen spielen, als wären sie selber nicht viel älter. Und wie man sieht, kann auch Elladan mit seinen fast 3000 Jahren noch etwas Neues lernen! Aber ich konnte mich so gut in ihn hineinversetzen - es ist schwer, in so einem Fall von Anfang an ernst zu bleiben und dazwischenzugehen. Und wenn man dann erst mal lacht oder, noch schlimmer, mitspielt, dann stachelt man so ein kleines Kind natürlich zu Unsinn an.

Es war irgendwie rührend, wie sehr die Elben Arathorn vermissen. Andererseits, vielleicht sollten sie froh sein, daß sie es jetzt nur noch mit Estel zu tun haben. Beide zusammen wären vielleicht doch ein klein wenig viel ;-)

Author Reply: Liebe Kitty,

Ah, als ich Dein Review las hat bei mir das grosse Grinsen angefangen! :)

Stimmt...oft wird davon ausgegangen das klein-Aragorn von den einen auf den anderen Tag zum Estel umgewandelt wurde. Ich dachte mir: "Na, das ändern wir mal. Ich glaube eher, dass die sensibele Elben ihn dafür etwas mir zeit lassen wurden." :) Ich wollte mal etwas neues sehen! ;)

Danke, ich finde es toll dass Du meinen Estel liebst. Die Geschichte basiert auf eine meiner Lieblingserinnerungen. For 16 Jahre futterte mein Vater meine jetzt 18-jährige kleine Schwester. (Sie ist fast 11 Jahre jünger wie ich.) Wir Geschwister schauten zu wie er mit ihr herumblödelte, bis sie irgendwann genau das machte was Estel auch tut: Lachen und dabei Brei spritzen. Natürlich hat mein Vater gelacht, und wir Kinder und unsere Mutter auch, und dann lachte meine kleine Schwester noch am meisten. Sehe wie es Elladan in die Estel-geschichte weiter geht, so ging es meinem Vater auch! :) Einzige Unterschied war dass mein Vater nicht Erestor und Glorfindel bei sich hatte, sondern seine ältere Kinder, die laut lachten jedesmal als er wieder mit Brei bespritzt wurde! :) Das half natürlich sehr wenig!

Danke für dein Review!


Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/4/2008
Oh, just lovely. Great fluff, and Estel's characterization was superb.

Author Reply: Thank you Nieriel Raina, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for taking the time to let me know!

Have a great weekend!

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/4/2008
I love your Glorfindel - still impish and full of mischief. His relationship with Erestor is perfect, and their grief over the loss of Arathorn is right and very moving.

I shall have to call my big tom cat Lord Talon! Love the cat - and I've had cats with that problem too!

Little Aragorn is just adorable - hard to realise that even our beloved Ranger King was once a small child.

Author Reply: Aw, thank you, Baggins Babe!

Though I love seeing some seriousness in the Elves, I also like to base myself on the playfull mood of the Elves when Bilbo and Co arrive in Rivendell in The Hobbit. Besides, my father was (still is) very much like Glorfindel in this tale.

Heh...yes, I've had cats with that problem as well. As a matter of fact, when I wrote this tale, I had been having that problem with both of my cats for three weeks in a row. It just had to spill over into my writing, I suppose... *chuckles*

Thank you for reading and reviewing!


Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/4/2008
Very sweet. I love to see the usually serious Elladan so light-hearted!


Author Reply: Hi Jay, thanks for the review!

*chuckles* ...actually, in my universe I do not often write Elladan being very serious. I often write him as the more impulsive of the two, the do-er, whereas Elrohir tends to be more of an observer and thinker. I think the way I have thus far written the twins - both as adults and as elflings - Elladan tends to be more light-hearted and playful, whereas Elrohir is the calmer and more serious of the two. ;) Which is not to say that Elrohir cannot be playful, or that Elladan cannot be serious, of course. :)

I'm a great admirer of your writing, Jay, so I'll confess that I feel honored that you took the time to read and review!

Thank you!


Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/3/2008
It would be awesome to beat Glorfindel at tactics... er, chess.

And I love the cat's name...

I always have my heart in my throat while my son-in-law 'tosses' my 16 month old granddaughter! And I've had the little scallywag try to pry herself from me when it's really not safe to let her down!

I have always wondered why Elves have pointy ears!!! : )

Excellent tale - and I very much liked the ending.

Author Reply: Thank you, Agape4Gondor!

I do remember having my heart in my throat, too, when a friend of mine and his brother tossed his two-year-old back and forth between them! They threw him really far and high...but the little boy just LOVED it!! You should have seen those shining little eyes, he couldn't get enough!

LOL! Glad you liked the ears! The entire porridge and raspberry tale is based on one of my fondest memories. In the real life situation, Estel was my youngest sister, who is almost 11 years my junior. If you carried my her on your shoulders, she'd often hold on to your ears. She seemed to think they made good handles. I had already written that, when I suddenly realized that elven ears would be *especially* practical for that purpose! ;) I was unable to resist putting it in.

Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/3/2008
Nice touch putting in how Aragorn had to learn to answer to Estel.

An adorable little story!

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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