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Vilwarin's Vignettes  by Vilwarin 5 Review(s)
Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/15/2008
Vandalism? Who would want to steal a dead tree? This is very funny! Buh is what I'll use to scare my little brother from now on!
God Bless!


grumpyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/16/2008
Oh my, the things that rangers will get up too when there is no rangering to do I can see that Aragorn might have to make up a list of things not to do.

Author Reply: Haha. Yes, it's not like rangers to remain idle and some may get ideas... But they wouldn't ever do anything that's harmful to others. Glad you enjoyed.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/14/2008
This made me laugh.I've often wondered about these guards too and they inspired my "Mask of Virtue".Just delightful!

Author Reply: Thanky you. Yep, they are something special. It's supposed to be an honour to stand guard there, but I'm not so sure that it feels like one. ;) Glad you enjoyed.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/14/2008
And if Aragorn's kinsmen find many of Gondor's practices to be empty or foolish, the guardians of the southern realm are likely to look as much askance at some northern usages! Heh!

Heat stroke! Oh, I can imagine! Hopefully the elevation works against that.

Author Reply: Ah, but I think that the people in the North are perhaps a bit more practical. But it's interesting to look at the differences bewteen the two realms.

I hope indeed that the hight helps. But still - it must have been quite uncomfortable.

Glad you enjoyed.

SurgicalSteelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 3/14/2008
*laughs* Love this.

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed it. This "waste" of men must have been strange to the rangers and screams to be ridiculed.

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