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With Hope and Without Hope  by docmon 11 Review(s)
Celeste Lucretia BlackReviewed Chapter: 20 on 5/12/2021
Aw, that's it

Author Reply: Oh, thanks, Celeste! Sorry to disappoint in ending it there. I'm just amazed my stories are still being read. That's amazing. I'm afraid I won't be adding any more to this or writing more fanfic, as I'm now publishing my own work. :-D

sassyReviewed Chapter: 20 on 12/29/2012
Love this story. so many surprises and twists and turns loved it all

Author Reply: Thanks, sassy! Good to know the story's still being enjoyed by readers. This was a great undertaking when I wrote it.

Author Reply: Thanks, sassy! Good to know the story's still being enjoyed by readers. This was a great undertaking when I wrote it.

PipMerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 12/14/2008
Finished! And what a fine tale it was, too. I'm glad that everything came together almost as it had in canon. I was concerned there for Legolas and Gimli, but thank goodness that worked itself out!

Again, I wish to say that this was a most well-deserved MEFA win!

Author Reply: Thank you, thank you, PipMer! My whole idea was to bring them all back to canon in the end (and leave the story at that point). I'd never done a story such as this, and I thought it important to keep the original story in mind, even though it was an AU.
Thank you again for taking the time to write your review!

utfrogReviewed Chapter: 20 on 11/24/2008
Thank you for a wonderful story - very powerful.

Author Reply: Why thank you, utfrog! And thank you for taking the time to write. Every review is appreciated.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 20 on 11/20/2008
This was a truly gripping story.Thank you for a great read.

Author Reply: Ah, you finished the story! I'm so glad. And happy you enjoyed it. Thank you for all your reviews!

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 20 on 11/12/2008
This is a great LotR fan-fic story! You hooked me so well I stayed up until 3 a.m. reading it. I wish it didn't end! Great job on the characters. It was interesting to think about what would have happened if the Three Hunters did keep running through the night. The odds were kind of stacked against them. Start a new story soon please!

Author Reply: Why, Sulwing, thank you for your review! I'm complimented that you stayed up till 3 am to read it! I've read stories that I couldn't put down, so I know how it feels, and I'm honored that you've put me in that pile.

That thought was what got the whole thing started for me - what would happen if... And while I've never been one to look for AUs, I now am a big fan. It was so much fun to change one thing and see where everything fell, how things might be different, and what might stay the same. Gandalf ended up with a far longer vacation than everyone cared for him to take [;-) read some of the earlier reviews to understand that comment] but the others didn't fare so well. I did put them back undamaged! Well, fixed up, at least.

And I have begun a new story! But I'm at the very beginning, so I can't promise any sort of time for when you'll be seeing chapters posted. Thank you for your interest!

Thundera TigerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 10/11/2008
Okay, I am a horrible person. For some reason, I haven't yet reviewed the epilogue. Actually, now I'm in something of a panic and wondering if I reviewed the last chapter. I'll check in a minute.

Anyway, hats off to you, Docmon! The story is finished, and what a finish it is! We're back in canon, everyone is heading out to where they might normally go, and yet there are still a few things left unfinished. Which is something I love in stories. It makes them bigger than they really are. Eowyn's eyes were briefly on Legolas instead of Aragorn. Denethor is already aware of Pippin, or at least to a greater extent than he was in canon. Merry and Pippin bear a greater part of the shadows thanks to their stay in Orthanc. These are small things, but they add nuance to the story as the Fellowship heads out again. And that nuance makes it seem as if your story stretches even further into the future despite the fact that it's drawn to a close.

But even so, there is still closure. The story comes to a satisfactory end with the important threads all tied up, and it's something of a testament to destiny and hope that even something like being captured by Saruman hasn't derailed the Quest. Not for long, anyway. Awesome work all around! Thank you so much for sharing!

Author Reply: LOL, so I'm just as horrible for taking so long to reply!
It is quite a feeling to have finished such a long story, seeing as it's also my first truly chaptered story.
I had to leave some threads hanging there. Gives the imagination something to work with. ;-) But no, let me make it clear, there is no sequel planned. Not at this point, at least.
This story wouldn't have gotten off the ground (much less have landed) without your help! All my thanks to you, Thundera, the bestest beta ever! ;-D

ziggyReviewed Chapter: 20 on 9/27/2008
Oh I am sad it has finished so I do hope you are busily planning another one very soon. I liked the resolution between Gimli and Legolas- Gimli just gets to the point and Legolas has been faffing about with his own rather complicated feelings. I am glad he 'fessed up though as it not like him to cower from the truth, but the torture he suffered had a profound effect on the way he saw himself too- and that was so brilliantly done, and convincing. I like the way Legolas has anticpated what Eowyn will do and recommends her to Merry - he know they will meet again- (I do feel there is a lot more you have to say on the relationship between Legolas and Eowyn - a little plot bunny hopping about somewhere perhaps? He has not really finished with her , has he? And she seems to have barely noticed Aragorn?)
I think you have explored the relationships between the characters really effectively- and played around with the ties between them as they are in canon, so those who are taken care of in canon become caretakers themselves of the stronger characters. So Aragorn and Pippin have developed a deeper understanding, with Pippn the caretaker, and Merry becomes Gimli's caretaker. Legolas loses out and gets Gandalf who is not quite as solicitous, but rather effective for an elf who has all sorts of complicated emotions about his capture and torture. What is interesting also, is the way you changed Legolas over the course of this story- he starts out as the strongest in many ways- he defends the others when they are captured, he is the most brutaly abused and stands up to Saruman on every occasion. However, even he crumbles and cannot face going back into Orthanc, he starts at every noise in Fangorn and is the one in most need of healing from Eowyn. But he regains his dignity and resolves the fellowship once more by stating he will follow Aragorn for friendship. Lovely stuff.I have rushed home every Friday to read the latest update and will miss this hugely- so thank you.

Author Reply: Oh thank you, ziggy, for the wonderful review!
You sum up Gimli and Legolas so well, including the effect of Legolas's experiences on him. Yes, even the potential for plot bunnies hopping around. I've been ignoring Legolas/Eowyn plot bunnies hopping around my brain, hoping they die of neglect. This was my one indulgence to them, and I chose to alter canon somewhat for it. The luxuries of the AU!
How perceptive you are in your analysis of the characters roles - it was just what I set out to do! Pippin was to find himself needing to be strong for Aragorn; Aragorn's struggle was to be in need of such support. To a certain extent, it was the same for Gimli and Merry. How funny that you see Legolas "losing out" with Gandalf. Never quite thought of it that way. But as you say, it was what he needed at the time. He had been pushed to his limit and was forced to accept aid, support, and healing from others.
One of my favorite plotlines in a story is to take the strong character(s) and put them in a scenario that pushes them to and beyond their limits. Ideally, this forces them to accept parts of themselves they usually ignore, such as their mortality, weaknesses, etc. The result should be that they grow to be more than they were at the beginning of the story. I suppose if I had continued the story beyond this point, I could have explored more how the characters had changed, not letting the characters simply return to what they once were, but showing how they changed for the long-term.
No, sorry, a sequel is not planned right now. ;-)
But I am planning - and writing a new story. It might be a while, though. It's turning out to be rather complicated. But it'll show up one day!
Thanks again for your review!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 20 on 9/25/2008
This was a wonderful story. I'll miss it. You really surprised me several times and I enjoyed your characters a lot, especially Legolas. The end was perfect, back to the book. Well, Legolas will be surprised with Eowyn, a Formidable woman, no doubt.

I hope that you have more stories coming soon, we are not having too many good ones lately. Thanks to you for writing and to your beta for her suppor (is she updating any of her fics?).


Author Reply: Thank you, Fantasia. It's great to hear that I surprised you during the story. And that you'll miss it - well, you're just terrific for this writer's ego! ;-)
I actually do have another one in the works. But it may be a while. It's in the early stages, and is turning out to be rather complicated.
Thanks for all your reviews!

NalediReviewed Chapter: 20 on 9/23/2008
So at last the Company is back on track and each of its members is back on his appointed path. I've agonised over all their trials and rejoiced at their triumphs and now although I'm relieved that everything is back as it should be - as much as is possible, given what they've been through - I'm also sad that I won't have any more of this story to look forward to. Thank you for sharing it with us, and I do hope to see more of your work before too long.

Author Reply: Thank for the review, Naledi! I'm quite happy to hear I've put you through the emotional wringer ;-). If my story can do that, I've done my job. But all stories must end, and all writers must get some sleep!
And yes, there's another one in the works! :-D

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