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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 12 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/6/2009
This chapter really made me wonder what might have happened if Arwen had not reciprocated Aragorn's feelings at all. I think that hope he had of winning her heart one day must have helped to sustain him through all those years of hardship - without it, things would have been bleak indeed. I loved that moment at the end when she smiled at him the way she did. ;-)

Author Reply: That's a very good question. Arwen was a very late addition to LOTR and yet there is a good case for arguing that she was actually a pivotal character.

I'm glad you liked that moment. I had to give the poor boy something to hold on to!

MirachReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/3/2009
How nice! Even sweet, I would say… Love on first sight – from both sides, it seems.

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm always assumed that Arwen's more sombre mood, which developed after meeting Aragorn, was a sign that something had stirred in her.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/16/2008
You've so exquisitely captured the roiling mass of mercurial thoughts and emotions that is Aragorn at this moment in his life. It was fun getting inside his head to see how he's processing the many changes in his life, although I feel a little like I've just stepped off a roller coaster. You've done a good job conveying how remarkable a person he was to absorb and process the many facets of his life and learn how to use them. It was all wonderful, but some highlights for me were his slightly sad realization that his relationship with Elrond has changed, that they are moving apart. He's insightful to sense that such separation is a natural part of growing up, but also that Arathorn has something to do with it. And Arwen - this poor kid. In a way it's such a typical first love, but still we see the weight of his character come through - he doesn't try to deny his feelings or quash the last little bit of hope, but he's balanced and mature enough to absorb the pain and uncertainty and wait for time to tell. His joy when she gives him the shirt - and smiled at him - made me grin. Gilraen continues to be a strong, steadying presence - but reading the scene with her and Arwen sewing, I was struck by how, despite the ease with which they interact, Gilraen herself is not much less of a yearling shoot to Arwen than Aragorn is. I can see where Tolkien felt inclined to move her a bit off the stage, just because her presence adds to the sense of chronological dissonance. Great chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your very insightful review. There were huge changes occuring in Aragorn's life at this time so there was a lot that needed to be conveyed here. I feel discovering who his real father was would become more and more important as he looked to begin his life beyond his childhood home and this would inevitably diminish his relationship with Elrond, if only a little.

I'm sure that deep down Aragorn was quietly confident about Arwen, even from the very beginning and for that to be so, she must have given him a tiny bit of encouragement. I like to think so, anyway! And that's a very interesting point about Gilraen.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/2/2008
I like the reflective quality, the calm, dim atmosphere of a rainy day in autumn and the big feelings shown in small gestures. Lovely piece.

You mgiht want to edit it again, there were a few typos and other errors.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you thought that sense of a grey day came through. Transferring the atmosphere you see in your head to paper can be so tricky, I find.
Thank you for your kind words and for pointing out the errors. Why are they always so easy to spot in someone elses work and so impossible in your own?!

RSReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/25/2008
I've been following this story since it's been up and have been wanting to leave a note to tell you how much I'm enjoying it.

I was tickled pink after reading this chapter. Your description of Aragorn, a mature and brave warrior suddenly become a bumbling, bashful, and giddy love-struck youth (although he managed to hide it well) was excellent..not to mention contagious! Ahh...but what a smile can do to a person!

I think Arwen is also smitten but she does not know it yet!

Can't wait for the next update!

Author Reply: I'm so thrilled you enjoyed this tale and thank you so much for letting me know. And you have a very good point about Aragorn being able to hide how smitten he was but, as Elrond told us, his eyes betrayed him!
I'm glad it made you smile.

Lady_RoisinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/23/2008
I could not help but smile when I read your latest chapter. Poor Estel is entirely infatuated, and I loved how you illustrated the beginnings of the relationship. I loved the touch of the new shirt. I also feel very much for Gilraen. How very hard it must have been to watch her son leave. You did a beautiful job illustrating the emotion and depth.

I'm enjoying this story a great deal.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you are enjoying this. Yes, Estel must have been quite beside himself at times; no wonder he had to leave.

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/23/2008
Absolutely delightful! I can just imagine Aragorn's reaction to Arwen... she is so amazing, must be the most amazing, beautiful woman he had ever seen. And, indeed, I think Arwen is falling for him even in his youth. How adorable.

I enjoyed this greatly, and cannot wait to see Aragorn meet his grandfather again.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed this. Yes, poor Aragorn, growing up without ever having seen a girl his own age, Arwen must have been quite a sight for him to behold!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/23/2008
A seriocomic chapter, well-written - Aragorn is so very young to be falling for a nearly 3000-year-old beauty, isn't he. It will be easier for him when he has some wisdom gleaned from life experience, at least just a little.

I like that Arwen is trying to be friendly and kind; Tolkien wrote her as a compassionate figure; and I would imagine that Aragorn is not the first of her father's Dunedain fosterlings to profess undying love for her.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review. Ah the confidence of youth! You have to admire his nerve for trying.

You can just imagine Arwen rolling her eyes and thinking 'oh no, not another one' can't you ?

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/23/2008
This is among my favourite stories of yours. You've given us a very vivid portrait of how Aragorn must have felt on the eve of his departure: a bit insecure by having dared to look so high; a bit guilty because he was already wise enough to know what his happiness would mean to Elrond; fearful but elated because he finally had a purpose in life, and ever hopeful as we expect Aragorn to be.

And as usual you've done justice to Gilraen. It's so like her to wish for her son to lead a normal life, free of danger, but to bow to his destiny and bear her burden of fear and anxiety silently. A very strong woman indeed.

Aragorn's reaction to Arwen's presence is very moving and and perceptively written too, I think

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your review. You have summarised Aragorn's feelings perfectly here.

Gilraen is so often overlooked, I did want to include her fears, if only briefly as this must have been so hard her her.

I'm so pleased your enjoyed this tale.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 9/23/2008
The idea of Arwen making a shirt for Aragorn is lovely.I've aways believed she felt something too when she met him as the text says she changed afterwards.A lovely chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I always felt that spark was there from the beginning for Arwen too.

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