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In the Heart of a Friend  by lwarren 9 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/22/2008
Oh what a wonderful beginning! I'm intrigued and on the edge of my seat along with the kids. I can't wait to find out more! Write fast. :)

Author Reply: NiRi! Hi! I'm a little late replying to this...I've been worrying about POV and name changes, ya know! LOL But you know how much I appreciate the review. It keeps me encouraged! The kids say grab a seat...there's plenty of room!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/20/2008
Oh, this sounds as if there's a wonderful story to come! I love story-telling! *sneaks into the room and huddles down near the fire with a warm blanket and waits for story to begin* I already love the beginning of this story! :)


Author Reply: Thanks, Almut! I'm working on the next chapter - this has been a funny story...the middle kind of wrote itself first! But I'll try to update once a week, or more if possible. Hang in there, make yourself comfortable, ok?


thepennywhistleReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/19/2008
Oh, please, Grandfather, hurry on and start! You wouldn't leave us waiting for too long, would you?

Wonderful prologue. You've certainly got my attention. Is there room to squeeze in among the children?

Author Reply: Hello there! No, no, I'll try not to make you wait too long. I hope to update weekly (and there will be parts I can do even sooner, as this weird little story wrote itself from the middle out! LOL) Thank you for the kind review, thepennywhistle, and try sitting by Mira and Lindorie, they will make you feel quite at home!


Calenlass GreenleafReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/19/2008
Very good beginning. I have my guess who the storyteller is...

*settle down to wait*


Author Reply: Hello Cal! If you are the same Cal over at the AA site and have read the Teitho stories, you probably are on the right track as to who the storyteller is! *g* Thank you for the review...I hope (and hope is the operative word) to update weekly.....


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/19/2008
This group of adults and children comes so alive in this prologue!

And I love the "I know a story" phrasing to introduce a tale and then the questions the children ask and the answers Grandfather gives.

Author Reply: Thank you, daw! I'm glad the prologue and its main players came alive - this has been a strange little story - written from the middle out! I hope I can keep everyone straight! LOL Thanks again for the review.


YeesaluReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/19/2008
I'm as anxious to hear the story as the children are! You've done a wonderful job of building interest in this story. I'll be watching for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you for the kind review, Yeesalu! I hope to update weekly, or maybe sooner (some chapters are already written - I think I'm doing this kind of backwards! LOL) Thanks again.


thechevinReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/19/2008
Oh I have been hoping we would revisit Golden Bell and now we are, I am settled in ready for the story so as soon as you would like you can get started!!
I have made notes of all the names and am now going back through the chapters of Bell to see if I can match any of them up.
Of course it also allows me to re-read all my favourite bits as well
To see this in my in box has made my day

Author Reply: Hello thechevin! You might not find anyone from 'Bell' yet as the prologue is written about 22 years AFTER those events. But keep an eye out, some of the older adults will eventually ring a bell (LOL no pun intended!) I can't tell you how humbling and exciting it is to read that you have favorite parts of that story. Thank you - that's so encouraging! And I hope to update this little story weekly - I don't have the distraction of the school year to keep me away from writing now...retired and relieved, that's me! *g* Thank you again for a very kind and uplifting review!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/18/2008
So, we get a feeling for the personalities of the children, and that one of the girls has a delicately pointed ear....

I can't wait to hear more!

Author Reply: Caught that reference to the ear, did you Larner? *g* Thank you for the review - I hope to update weekly (thought I would commit myself...then I can't wiggle out of it...LOL)! Thanks again!


harrowcatReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 10/18/2008
Ooh, a story, a story.... *settles down with the children all agog to hear.* Well wishes she could anyway and instead slinks off to work.

Author Reply: Hello harrowcat! I have it on good authority that the children are saving you a place for when you get off work, so hurry back when you can. I hope to update weekly, if at all possible! *g* Thank you for the very kind review!


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