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Wherever the Prompt Might Lead  by Larner 8 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/17/2008
Oh yes, Frodo would adore a toy animal never seen before in those parts. Love how leary of it Primula is. :)

Author Reply: Am glad you appreciate this, my Lady. Thanks.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/15/2008
What a variety of treasures!

Author Reply: As a sailor, he would have brought home things from all over, and as a Hobbit he would have loved cooking and baking ware, don't you think? And a prism would delight anyone!

Thanks so, Linda.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/13/2008
Talking about the contents of Isengar's mathom room is a clever way to include so many words that don't have much to do with each other into such a short piece. That can't be easy to manage!

Author Reply: You're so right--it's getting increasingly difficult to find ways of including them all, I find. Tomorrow's ought to be interesting, once I learn what the new word is. But if anyone within the Shire would have collected something to do with monkeys, I suspect it would be Isengar!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/13/2008
Yep, that sounds like a monkey all right, or a chimp. I think Frodo would have been more fascinated by what his father holds though - light meeting light as it were.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: A sock monkey, perhaps, for our favorite young Hobbit? But you are right--the prism would delight him more! Lovely imagery you've conjured. Thank you.

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/12/2008
Very sweet! I can see where this Advent challenge is getting, well, very challenging! But this was a clever and very plausible way to get all those very unrelated words into a fic.

I especially like "Gondorian cookie sheet" ... hmm, wonder where I might get one of those!

Author Reply: Thank you. As for obtaining a Gondorian cookie sheet--you go east to Bree, go south to the Gap of Rohan, then east to Amon Din, and south to Minas Tirith....

It is getting harder to fit the words in, particularly when they added cookie, which is an Americanism!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/12/2008
Ah, it's getting harder and harder to get all those prompts in!
Liked it though, Mathoms will work.
Keep them coming,

Author Reply: Yes, the mathoms do work--this time at least! Heh!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/12/2008
LOL! Isn't it lucky for you that Isengar came home all loaded down with souvenirs? And that he gave many of them to Bilbo! Very clever!

Author Reply: Yes, this time I found myself fleeing to the mathom room and imagining that the old Mad Took in time came to appreciate the one who as a child used to spy upon him!


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/12/2008
What a wonderful mathom room!

Author Reply: I like to think that Isengar would leave some of his favorite souvenirs from his own voyages to Bilbo!

Thanks so.

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