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Tide of Destiny - Part One: Choices by Lady Bluejay | 3 Review(s) |
whitewave | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/9/2009 |
Thanks for the update. I liked the scene where Lothy helped to calm the baby--it's very telling of her character and I think it will help her future people get used to her. I also enjoyed reading about Lothy's banter with her brothers, who will Amroth fall for I wonder? I'm excited to read about the wedding. Author Reply: Wedding coming very soon. She has got to get married before I go on holiday at the end of next week! And we will find out about Amroth in part 2. Great you are still enjoying, Thanks for reviewing.LBJ | |
Alquawende | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/7/2009 |
It was nice to see Lothiriel interact with the Rohirrim. Her bantering with her brothers was very funny. Where is Meren though? One would think she'd be with Elphir. I pity Ana her love for Amrothos. Doesn't she realize she's falling for a philanderer? Some things I noticed: >>But she had no wish cause antagonism before she had even been crowned, and "no wish to cause..." >>I just have to journey father than normal.” "journey farther..." >>Because Imrahil trusted him, and never in his life would he abuse a trust again. Her father had clamped in him a hold stronger than Melkor’s chains: clever, clever Prince. Lastly, you have Eomer think 'Melkor'. If you want him to mention that Vala, he should think 'Morgoth' because that was the name the fallen Vala was known by forevermore, after Feanor first called him that. Also, it seems odd Eomer would even mention Morgoth. Morgoth doesn't seem like someone the Rohirrim would know of. Morgoth seems like someone more associated with and remembered by the Gondorians and the elves, not the Rohirrim, but that may just be my opinion. Thanks for writing! Author Reply: Hi Alquawende, Thanks for your review. LOL about the pickies, because I added those bits after Lia had gone through it for me- which just shows how much I rely on my wonderful Beta. You might remember that Meren is pregnant - so she stayed at home. And Ana and Amrothos will be sorted in Part 2 of this saga. As for Éomer using Melkor’s Chains - my reasoning, besides always thinking of him as well-educated, is the time he has spent with Gandalf. On the ride to the Black Gates I can well imagine Gandalf talking to him, Aragorn and Imrahil about the history of evil, and Sauron’s rise to power. I will go with it being something that stuck in his mind. A discussion topic for GoI, perhaps? | |
curiouswombat | Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 2/7/2009 |
Another lovely chapter. I am gald that you found time to consider the sadness of Duinhir amidst the good things happening, and I like the idea of Lothiriel's brothers remembering Guleth and being exceedingly protective of her! And I like Éomer's answer, in the shape of the door guard, even more! Author Reply: Thanks for your review. I did try and pull everything together. Glad you enjoyed my fun. LBJ | |