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Enigmas- The Life and Love of Linwe and Frodo  by MysteriousWays 3 Review(s)
LeraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/4/2004
This is such a sweet story. I will admit, I don't usually read hobbit stories, but I will definitely finish this. You don't usually read about relationships forming between femals elves and hobbits. I agree, it would take an especially remarkable hobbit lass to win Frodo's heart. And I also agree with you: the true ending of ROTK is much too sad for Frodo. I was a little iffy about the elves needing to develope techniques for healty elflings, but I'll go with it. See you Sat, my dear fellow fencer. I'm going to try to remember to bring my scrapbook to show you.

Author Reply: You cought me on what I hope is the one possible improbabiltiy of this entire story. The matter of Elves needing to insure the health of their unborn is taking advantage of the limits of their immortality. They can die in battle or of a broken heart but they have never known illness. Elves still need to eat and to rest as well. Their bodies still need to be nurtured and that is the loop hole I am playing with. Maybe if left to their own devices the unborn Elf would still emerge perfectly fine. I have often wondered why Elves would need to know all that much of healing, but then I remember that they can be injured and now that I come to think of it they have kept farily close to ties with Aragorn's long lived people. Maybe I could go back and rewrite something to the nature of Elves learning something of reproduction from their friends of the west.

I am looking forward to fencing and to seeing your scrapbook. :)

MysteriousWays- Dance as if no one were watching.

IluvienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/6/2003
yay! The Elvish medicine seems to be working. = )


LimiReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/13/2003
This is AWESOME... no.. it's AMAZINGLY AWESOME! I can hardly wait to read the rest of it.. You've really done a lot with it! PLEASE keep posting! i need to read more!! I have to know what happens!

Author Reply: Thank You! THank You! Thank You!

I am so glad you like it. There is a lot of story to tell so hang in there and be patient.


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