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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 9 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 32 on 12/18/2009
I really would not have wanted to endure that forced ride with an army of dead always following right on my heels! *shivers* I think no one but Aragorn would have been able to make his men and friends follow him through such hardship and make even the dead follow his commands! It must have been so very different for him to suddenly be able to openly ride under his own banner and his own name. I like the idea that Halbarad might have been aware of the fate that awaited him, though it probably makes his death even more heartbreaking. I do not even want to imagine what might have happened to Minas Tirith and every living soul sheltered within its walls if Aragorn had not made such haste. A great chapter! :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Almut. This is a part of Aragorn's story that I wish we could have read about in more detail, though, for story telling reasons, Tolkien obviously had to have his arrival at the Pelennor a surprise. I tend to feel that Halbarad knew his fate, as his words before the Paths of the Dead suggest, and so his loyalty and bravery was all the more commendable.

Ah, yes, if he had been too late, things would have been very different!

Many thanks for your review.

MirachReviewed Chapter: 32 on 9/13/2009
“Estel, if we have to sit on you and pin you to the ground for the rest of the night, you are not taking a turn on watch. Is that understood?”That was an interesting proposition from the big brother Elladan *g*

But the quote in the beginning of the chapter… There is so much behind that one sentence, and you told it everything, and crowned it all with the last touching scene with Elladan and Elrohir. Again, a story of itself in this single chapter!
I seriously wonder where the man is getting his energy from. When it seems that he can’t have any reserves left, he just goes on. I just regret that he didn’t embrace Halbarad when he had the chance. It may be the last chance…

Author Reply: Yes, I so agree, what Aragorn achieved here was truly staggering. He had barely rested ever since the breaking of the fellowship at Parth Galen and then had to face one seemingly insurmountable challenge after another. He's not our hero for nothing LOL! This was a complicated chapter to write [lots of cross referencing the Tale of Years with Legolas's account] and, as you say, it could have been a whole story in itself.
I'm so pleased you liked it.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 32 on 6/9/2009
I'm rereading this about a month and a half after I first did (shame my lazy phalanges!) and have noticed a number of things I didn't the first time (since the first time I was so caught up in the gruelling pace and weariness of tone that pervades the piece).

1). Halbarad's foresight is of course tragic, and I love how this is touched upon only subtly in the conversation between him and Aragorn--the unease, Halbarad's diverting the subject (suggesting acceptance? not wishing to burden his friend? I love unanswered questions).

2). Gimli's wryness seems very in character as he attempts to take such a despairing situation down to earth (pun intended with eyes wide open). Elladan and Elrohir seem to have a similar function.

3). I like the idea of the shadow host being a little antsy and not wholly under Aragorn's control unless he makes it explicit. Makes them a little less of a deus ex machina.

4). "whimpering fops" is a great phrase.

5). You did a great job fleshing out Angbor in the limited space you had. He seems like quite a character!

6). The gift of the Elendilmir was an excellent gapfiller that I had never really realized existed. Once again you've put a lot of thought--of all kinds--into this.

The tension is wonderfully ratcheted up throughout this piece, and thank the Valar that they actually get some rest by the end of it!! Marvelous.

Author Reply: Thank you so much Celeritas for your lovely and thoughtful review. This was a very complex chapter to grapple with, partly because of the geography and the need to make sure everyone was in the right place on the right date, but also because there were so many set pieces to be drawn into it, all of which I felt had to be included here.

I'm so pleased you approved of my handling of Halbarad's fate. I was sure Aragorn would sense something was wrong and yet be unable to confront the situation for many reasons, not least the intense pressure he was under to single mindedly complete his mission.

Angbor, I felt must have made quite an impression on Aragorn for him to name him 'the fearless' so I'm glad you liked him!

Once again, thank you for all your kind comments.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/24/2009
Another part of Aragorn's life that truly amazes me. A very vivid and spine chilling rendering of this remarkable ride.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Linda. Yes this was another largely unsung moment of his.

Baggins BabeReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/23/2009
Another chapter where I felt I was there. I have always wanted to read more about these events and you have answered my curiosity perfectly. That was a terrifying moment when the Dead tried to overtake the Grey Company *shudder*

There was so much to take in - I loved the Twins acknowledging their little brother as Isildur's Heir and a worthy king, and that bit of foreshadowing over poor Halbarad.

I can't wait for the next one.

Author Reply: I'm so thrilled you're enjoying this story. Yes, this was another chapter I felt was crying out to be written as I so wish the Professor had given us more than the brief account supplied by Legolas and Gimli. Thank you again for reviewing.

utfrogReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/21/2009
Simply excellent - wonderful job of describing a crucial part of the story that does not receive enough attention.

Thank you

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Utfrog for your review. In 'Letters' Tolkien says that the full tale belongs rather to 'The Saga of Aragorn Arathorn's Son' than to his story [a saga I'm sure we all wish he had actually written!] so I quite agree, this great heroic achievement doesn't recieve anything like enough attention! I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed my version of it.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/21/2009
I absolutely loved The Black Ships. You did a most wonderful job of letting us see how gruelling that trip from The Stone of Erech to The Pelargir must have been. You've shown us how Aragorn by the strenght of his will alone overcome his weariness, and pushed beyond human endurance to achieve his goal, and how, as Legolas says, for the love of him The Grey Company overcame their own weariness and fear to follow him.

I loved the part in which Halbarad methodically folds the banner, and how that pierced Aragorn's heart because Aragorn felt all the love and loyalty embodied in that action. It is a most poignantt glimpse of their close relationship, as also is the dialogue between them. Aragorn's words that "one of the Dúnedain, and a dúnadan alone, should bear" Aragorn's standard says it all, doesn't it?

I also loved the protective way the twins treated Aragorn, and how Aragorn deferred to their will to spare him, but how ultimately they deferred to him. And I liked very much the lighter note you struck with Gimli.

As for the ending, I think it's perfect. I loved the idea of Elrond sending the Elendilmir as a gesture of his belief in Aragorn. As for Aragorn's mind, I think that again you have given us a very faithful portrayal of him.

Well done indeed.

Author Reply: Ah thank you once again, Estelcontar, for your wonderful review. This chapter was a joy to write, if a difficult one with all the details to untangle.

I'm sure the banner of Arwen must have been a great symbol of hope for all the Dunedain and I'm glad you enjoyed that. And donning the Elendilmir must had been a great moment for Aragorn. I like to think Elrond personally sent it for him as an encouragement!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/21/2009
Indeed he has proven himself capable of commanding living and dead, friend and newly found allies. If anyone has ever been worthy to wear the Elendilmir, it must be Aragorn son of Arathorn. Now, to rest and prepare for the battle to come, for it will itself be bitter.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Larner, for your review. I find it hard to imagine the stress Aragorn must have been under on this journey. As you so rightly say, he really did prove himself in all that he did.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/21/2009
Magnificent. This epic you're weaving deserves a place in the Appendices.

But poor you, having to go through every moment of this with Aragorn and his men! I'm sure this was a difficult chapter to write.

Author Reply: Gosh, thank you so much, Shirebound.

Yes, this was quite the epic journey and tricky to write as I needed to be continually checking dates and places from the Tale of Years and ROTK. Ultimately though, I was very glad to bring Aragorn triumphantly through it all!

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