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It  by White Wolf 3 Review(s)
Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/10/2009
Wow! Sorry I didn't review this before but college papers have been dominating my life.

I thought they were finally going to get out of their mess, but that would be too easy. I should have known that Aragorn and Legolas would never get out of a sticky situation that fast!

If they have to go back into the tunnels that will be really depressing, especially for the elf.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: Trust me, I understand RL getting in the way.

Yes, that would be entirely too easy for those two. Their messes get worse long before they get better.

You are so right. Legolas went once for Aragorn, but I don't think he would go down there a second time.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/25/2009
Author Armariel puts pretty crowns and flowers and birthday cakes in reviews, made out of typed letters. If I was any good at that, I would give you a crown. Madam, you are the Reigning Queen of the Cliffhangers!

Author Reply: What a nice, sweet offering. I hope the flavor of the cake is chocolate with a big scoop of chocolate ice cream on top. And, I accept that crown and title with pride.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/25/2009
Shuddering--a nasty situation! Now, to see how they manage to escape the thing!

Author Reply: Yes, it is rather nasty, which is what I intended, of course. I think the next chapter will go a long way toward revealing that.

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