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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 9 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 34 on 12/18/2009
I loved getting to read the scene where Aragorn recalled Frodo and Sam! Poor both of them. It was sweet that Frodo only came back because he did not want to leave Sam, and that Sam almost didn't come back because he did not want to leave Frodo. Hobbits are indeed the most amazing and loveable creatures! :) It was so very fitting that Aragorn would not entrust their care to anyone but himself, even if it endangered his own life. I enjoyed this chapter very much! :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Almut. I actually felt on rather shakey ground writing this as I really had no idea what happened when Aragorn recalled both these hobbits. I'm very glad to know it all sounded feasible!

MirachReviewed Chapter: 34 on 9/14/2009
I’m very fond on dream-like sequences where the inner battles become real, and you have written this one very well. The beginning of the chapter is also very powerful, with the very mood of that exact moment of Sauron’s fall. I only missed some rest for Aragorn himself in the end – he certainly deserves it!

Author Reply: He most certainly does and I hope he managed to get some too! I'm so relieved you liked this as I feel very out of my depth writing something like this [give me solid earth and fresh air any day!]

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 34 on 6/9/2009
This is one of my favorites, being such a hobbit fancier (and finding often that I like non-hobbit writers' takes on hobbits even more than those who are accustomed to writing about them).

This is certainly the case with your Frodo in this piece--the beautiful simplicity in his language is haunting, as is that very hobbity path and gate. I've read a lot of takes on this and usually he needs to agonize a bit more before he comes to a decision; this one by comparison is rather refreshing. (I would, however, think that Frodo would by now know that Sam would follow him everywhere; still, that's as good a reason as any for his turning back.)

Sam being the more difficult one to convince was also a lovely change of pace, and his despair at having lost Frodo and being too tired was heartaching. I liked how you used his possessiveness (in a good sort of way) of Frodo to good effect here.

I loved this one.

Author Reply: Oh thank you so much, Celeritas. This was a difficult chapter to write because I was out of my comfort zone on two counts. When I write about Aragorn I have virtually every detail of canon well and truly in my head so I can approach any situation fairly confident of how he would handle it. I don't have anywhere near that same degree of certainty where Sam and Frodo are concerned and so proceed more cautiously and, as a consequence, tend to play safe! [Yes, you are right, Frodo should know that; good point]. My other area of uncertainly was this whole question of recalling someone from near death so I'm glad the simple rustic scene worked.

Sam's reticence here was based on his initial reluctance to trust Strider in the Prancing Pony, as you no doubt guessed!

I'm so thrilled this one is a favourite. Thank you.

Tracy HughesReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/14/2009
I'm just now reading this chapter and wanted to tell you it gave me chills. I really enjoyed it. Thanks again for another great chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks, Tracy. I'm so glad to know you'll still sticking with this story and very pleased to know you found this one chilling [in a good way, I hope!]

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/6/2009
It was a desire to read about this scene which first caused me to write Tolkien inspired stories!I loved the scene for Aragorn and Sam.

Author Reply: It is fascinating to learn of the things that start us on our way. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Linda. Thanks you for reviewing.

RSReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/5/2009

I've been keeping up with the story but have not left any reviews as I have been scrambling and lucky enough just to find a computer that works so I can print the updates. It's so frustrating not leaving any reviews as each chapter has been so emotionally charged and I would have like to have given you my first reaction to each one...but alas.

This reader has felt all the emotions that your characters are going through.
I have felt fear, pride, exhuberance, determination, and, most of all sadness. I'm still recovering from Halbarad's chapter.

You know when you feel the color leave your face and you feel cold and your head starts to tingle and feel lightheaded, and a sudden fear and terror strikes at your heart? That is what I felt when I read Aragorn's resolute that he will die in this battle...and his thoughts on Arwen, always on Arwen. And then I felt chills go up and down my spine when reading the destruction of Mount Doom. I wanted to clap my hands and jump up and down.

Your description of Aragorn's healing of Frodo and Sam was beautiful. It just made everything better.

I could not have read a better gap filler than this! Thanks!

Author Reply: It's lovely to hear from you again, RS, and to know you are still reading especially as your computer is giving you such problems.

Wow, perhaps this chapter should have come with a health warning, or at least a note advising that the reader be seated!

I'm delighted you enjoyed this and thank you so much for your kind words.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/5/2009
You've done it again. I really, really enjoyed the The Hands of The King. The glimpses you give us of Battle Of The Morannon are so vivid, it highlights and gives great immediacy to the plight, self-sacrifice and determination of Aragorn and of the Army of The West.

The healing of Frodo and Sam is very poignant, and moving, and I'm glad you showed us how much it must have taxed Aragorn's strenght. After all, he had to spend his all after some very harrowing weeks of worry, toil and gruesome fighting.

"The bitter determination that can only come from one facing certain death who will remain defiant to the end." What a wonderful sentence! It's so very like Aragorn, as is also his fear for Arwen's fate.

This is a lovely gap filler that I really enjoyed reading.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Estelcontar for your thoughtful review. That day must have been a huge emotionally roller coster for everyone but probably Aragorn most of all. I wonder if he had a moment to fully realise the implications of all that had happened as he struggled to save Frodo and Sam. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my take on it all.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/5/2009
Indeed, he did put forth all of his strength to call the two of them back. But now that this debt is paid as much as is possible, it is up to them to heal as they can.

A wonderful retelling.

Author Reply: Thank you, Larner. This was such an important scene it's hard to believe it received only a couple of lines in the book.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 34 on 5/5/2009
But as he looked at Strider, he saw the love and compassion in his eyes and he knew he spoke truthfully. Yes, of course he could trust Strider to lead him to Frodo. Sam slowly got to his feet and walked towards him. He took his hand and allowed himself to be led far away from the entrance to the Halls of Mandos.

Ohhhh, I love this chapter. I think it might be my favorite one of all. What an incredible event, fulfilled by such incredible people. And I'm ever so happy Aragorn got to be tended a bit after this in my own fic. :)

Author Reply: Thank you, Shirebound, I so hoped you would enjoy this chapter. There really are too few hobbits in this story! And yes, I think Aragorn was more than ready for some TLC himself and was no doubt very grateful to you for providing some.

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