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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 8 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 36 on 1/26/2010
*sniff* That was both beautiful and heartbreaking! I can only repeat that I love the way you write the father-son relationship between Aragorn and Elrond. That last parting must have been so bitter for both of them. I really like to believe that they met again some day, at the ending of the world. I loved the idea that Elrond would take that Palantír with him. It must have brought him some comfort to be able to look into the stone from time to time. :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much! It just felt right to me that they would feel this way, and, yes, parting must have been very hard on both of them. I doubt that Elrond would have just taken the Palantir without the new king's permission and it seemed appropriate that it should have been a gift from him, offered for this very reason. I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter.

MirachReviewed Chapter: 36 on 9/15/2009
Ah, I’m crying again… And is in not only the sadness – it is sadness blended with beauty that makes me cry…

Author Reply: Oh I really must stop making you cry. *Hands over box of tissues*!

I must admit I became quite emotional myself when writing this.

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 36 on 6/9/2009
I really like the idea of the Palantir of Elostirion being used in the future to look back over the straight road on Middle-earth.

It's lovely seeing the love and sorrow reflected here. Someone's heart had to be broken when Arwen made her choice, but at least everyone's going through this rather painful time with eyes full of understanding for the others.

Author Reply: It's a sad situation all round and for Elrond especially. I really wanted to show how both Elrond and Aragorn had come through their respective pain and guilt to reach a loving understanding.

Elrond taking the Palantir with him intrigued me when I first read it as I too really liked the idea for him still being able to glimpse Middle-earth.

Thank you so much for your review, Celeritas.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/22/2009
This feels exactly what Aragorn and Elrond would have said to each other.

Author Reply: Thank you, Linda, I'm glad you thought so.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/19/2009
Ah, but this is all to likely on both parts!

And I love the thought that the Palantir was a gift from Aragorn to the father of his heart, a gift to help ease the grief the parting must bring.

Thank you so for this one!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Larner. It just felt right somehow that this was how the Palantir came to be on that ship. I hope Elrond found some comfort from using it and Aragorn from knowing that he could.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/19/2009
I loved Elrond. Your Elrond tells Aragorn the things that I've always imagined him telling his foster son when they parted for good, and so does your Aragorn too. I found it a very insightful, moving, poignant and bittersweet piece. In it, we get to see how wise, kind and generous both characters are. We also see how much they loved each other, and the sorrow that Elrond's departure brought to both.

I'm really impressed on how you've managed to give us such a touching portrait of their love for each other.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Estelcontar, for your kind review. This must have been a very sad parting indeed, with both Aragron and Elrond having to deal with a wide range of conflicting emotions. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/19/2009
Ah That was so good and so painful for them both. I liked the part about Aragorn leaving Elrond The Palantir in the end so he could possibly veiw M.E. again, by the way that would make an excellent story in itself wouldn't it? (Hint,Hint LOL) Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Hi, Debs, good to hear from you again and glad you enjoyed that.

I do hope that was the reason Elrond took the Palantir with him and I'm sure he would only have taken it with Aragorn's blessing.

Hint, hint? Umm. you've got me thinking!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 36 on 5/19/2009
Ohhh, Elrond acknowledging Aragorn's great heart even as his own is fracturing.

through all your many trials, you lost neither hope nor humanity, and in all your years of sacrifice and service, you never once allowed your goal to become your master.

What finer tribute can a man -- or king -- ever have? And Aragorn's love and respect for Elrond just shines here.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Shirebound. That line really sums up Aragorn for me; I'm pleased you approve.

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