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Aspects of Aragorn  by Inzilbeth 8 Review(s)
MirachReviewed Chapter: 37 on 9/15/2009
It feels so good, to read about happy times. But if there wouldn’t be darkness before them, they wouldn’t shine so brightly now. After the chapter when Sauron fell, I wanted some rest for Aragorn. It is not the same chapter, but it makes for it more then adequately. And it is a wonderful idea that the daughters are twins – the third generation of them! And you (or Aragorn) have chosen their names very well.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter and approved of the twins. I firmly believe Aragorn deserved the fairytale 'happy ever after' ending so it was a great pleasure to grant him it!

CeleritasReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/10/2009
I am a sucker for these domesticky gap-filler type stories. ^_^

I really liked the concept of continuing twins down the line (although these must have been the first whose names didn't start with "el"!).

And you through Aragorn have a really good point about his rangering days--they were often too urgent for reflection, which is rather different from how fandom likes to portray that seemingly free life.

And apparently the hands of the king even work on fractious babies? Must be handy being married to a fellow like that.

This was fun to read (and reread; I'm hoping to finish getting caught up tonight).

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Celeritas. It was great fun to write a normal everyday domestic scene [well as normal as anything in Aragorn's life!]

I very much believe that married life in Minas Tirith was meant to be his reward for all the hard years he toiled in the Wilds so I couldn't really portray his days there as anything but blissful.

And apparently the hands of the king even work on fractious babies?

LOL! Yes, I'm sure he was a great dad!

I'm so glad you enjoyed this and thanks again for your review.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 37 on 6/2/2009
It's true that with great power comes great responsibility; and Aragorn can't just go wandering off into the wilderlands for months or years on end. You deal with this dilemma very elegantly - Aragorn is wise enough to know that he regrets his lost freedom, and wiser still to embrace and savor the compensations (not to mention remembering the down side of all that freedom - constant peril, cold, wet, etc.).

Author Reply: I'm so pleased you felt that to be a fair assessment of Aragorn's situation. The huge and very sudden change in his life on becoming king, I find very interesting. Having all your dreams come true, a bit like winning the lottery, must bring it's own problems, yet, Aragorn being the wise man he was, I'm sure coped very well with it all.

Thank you so much, Raksha, for your kind review.

RSReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/30/2009
I always pictured Arwen and Aragorn having twins!! Gilraen and Celebrian..perfect! Actually...I pictured them to have five or seven kids! I agree with your reviewers. It is so nice to see a glimpse of ARagorn and Arwen's blissful life, crying babies and all, and to have their brothers share it.

I do hope we get to see the royal family visit Arnor soon!

Author Reply: Oh I'm so pleased you liked the idea for the daughters. With so many sets of twins in the family, it seemed at least a possibility that Arwen would have them.
Yes, the Royal family does indeed get to visit Arnor. 'The Star of the Dunedain' is the next chapter and then 'The King of Arnor' when Aragorn finally returns to his people and the rebuilt Annuminas.

Thank you so much for your review, RS.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/29/2009
It is lovely to see Aragorn so happy and contented.A delightful chapter.

Author Reply: It was such a pleasant change to write him happy and fulfilled! Thank you for your review.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/26/2009
This is a most joyful chapter, and it did my heart good to read it because Aragorn really deserved the happiness you so delightfully described in it.

I loved reading about the joyful meeting of Aragorn, Elladan and Elrohir; Aragorn's wise rule bringing prosperity to Arnor and Gondor; how much Eldarion reminds Elladan and Elrohir of Estel; how Aragorn can calm a fractious daughter (somehow I've always imagined him loving children very much, and being very good with them). Mostly I loved your ending. It's just about perfect because it's spot on. I've always been sure that's exactly how Aragorn must have felt after he was made king.

As I mentioned before many times, I'm a sucker for these glimpses of happy Aragorn in the midst of his happy family because I think no one deserved happiness more than he and Arwen.

Author Reply: Many thanks, Estelcontar for your lovely review. I love happy endings and I too like to think that Aragorn and Arwen really did enjoy the bliss that they deserved to find together. I'm so glad this chapter worked as there was, of necessity, rather a lot of tying up of loose ends.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/26/2009
Indeed Aragorn and his wife have been blessed as they see their rule confirmed, their people thrive, their lands at last knowing peace, their family grow. A wonderful interlude!

Author Reply: Thank you so much, Larner. There must have been times when the King could hardly belief his good fortune at how well everything turned out in the end.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 37 on 5/26/2009
He leapt up the stairs to his family’s quarters, three at a time, his unfortunate guards struggling to keep pace with him.

I love that image! This family deserves all the peace and happiness for which they've worked and dreamed.

Author Reply: LOL! Thank you! It was a great pleasure to finally write a happy tale of domestic contentment.

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