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Distractions  by GamgeeFest 6 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/27/2009
This was priceless. I loved Merry doing a bit of gloating to all about his prank. That will most likely come back to haunt him. LOL
I also enjoyed Merry and Pippin explaining to Frodo how Sam was 'spying on Aragron but how he had Aragon's permission to do so!' Here poor Frodo was trying to figure out the Tookish connection in it all when that part was purely Sam! That really gave me a laugh. I also enjoyed how Merry was insisting he could 'not make sense as well as Pippin' and how Pippin agreed with that. Neither of them seemed to take that as a insult. LOL

Author Reply: Merry will gloat about this for as long as he can. He really should bear in mind, in between all that gloating, just who taught him to be so devious in the first place!

Sam has officially spent too much time with Pippin. He's starting to think like a Took now! :P Merry and Pippin are proud of their Tookishness, in all it's nonsensical glory. :)

cookiefleckReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/23/2009
Hah, now I am back to laughing at the idea of everyone worrying about color samples and fabrics. It's probably a good thing that Frodo put his foot down about Sam's spying. Then again, I loved this: "Pulling rank is beneath you, Frodo."

Author Reply: Aragorn really is putting a lot of faith in the hobbits' non-existant decorating abilities! Thank goodness he has his foster brothers and Mistress Porcia there to help!

Frodo knows that Sam will require some close watching to make sure the spy bug doesn't come up and bite him again! I think Pippin was enjoying having a spy. He didn't like Frodo taking his fun away!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/23/2009
“Frodo, you insult me,” Merry said. “I am half-Took, remember. I’m just as capable as not making sense as Pippin is.”
“That’s right!” Pippin agreed.

ROTFL!!! That's great!

Although our hobbits are very clever, they failed to see the connection in the list of proprietors. It's SO obvious! Rosie would have seen it at once, I'm quite sure!

Now I'm curious to find out whose prank will be played first, Merry's or Frodo's!

Author Reply: :D Merry does have a way with words, doesn't he?

Merry is still clinging to his hope of playing matchmaker to the King. He'll figure it out in time though. ;) Rosie, or any lass, would know in a heartbeat what is going on!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/22/2009
Now, to see who is the next spy for Merry! Love Frodo dealing with the situation by forbidding Sam, although Sam is likely to continue anyway in spite of Frodo's commands--if he's not too big to defy Gandalf, he'll find a way around Frodo! Heh!

And soon Frodo will find himself hosting his own unexpected parties!

Author Reply: I can just see Merry holding spy auditions! :P Frodo is well aware that Sam may just continue to spy despite being forbidden, but Frodo has an advantage that Gandalf did not: proximity. :D He'll keep his eyes on Sam!

Frodo will fare better than Bilbo. At least he has his friends to plan the parties!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/22/2009
*cackles madly*

My favorite bit of dialogue:

No, he can’t. Strider gave his permission,” Merry said.

“Strider gave his permission? Merry, that doesn’t make any sense,” Frodo said. “Pippin had something to do with this, didn’t he?”

“Frodo, you insult me,” Merry said. “I am half-Took, remember. I’m just as capable as not making sense as Pippin is.”

“That’s right!” Pippin agreed.

Frodo couldn’t exactly deny this statement.

Now, you know, even though Frodo's told Sam not to spy, he's going to be curious too. And Merry's not going to give up-- he's not only half-Took, he's also a Brandybuck!

And honestly, that shopping list alone is a very big hint! *sheesh*

I kind of hope the hobbits *do* figure it out. I always thought it was very unfair and unreasonable for Aragorn not to tell them why they had to hang around so long when they wanted to go home.

Author Reply: Frodo has a deadly combination of genes, doesn't he? ;) Once he gets Sam to spill the beans, he'll figure out the riddle in no time - but you can bet he'll let Merry continue to investigate! hehe!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/22/2009
“Strider gave his permission? Merry, that doesn’t make any sense,” Frodo said. “Pippin had something to do with this, didn’t he?”

“Frodo, you insult me,” Merry said. “I am half-Took, remember. I’m just as capable as not making sense as Pippin is.”

You should write a story with Grey Wonderer; you both share a delicious wackiness when it comes to hobbit conversations! What fun.

Author Reply: hehehe. My Merry and Pippin do owe a lot to GW and her delightfully wacky stories. The cousins do love to banter with each other. You never know what they're going to come up with! :D

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