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Without a Past  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
SitaraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
"All he knew and held on to was the naked, cold, bitter reality. "

Very well put in. You've managed to capture and write down an important part of that enigma called Feanaro, in my opinion.

You chose to write the version of Miriel dying when his son was very young and, from my point of view, you did it well. You described the young Elf's pain and anguish and recognized them for which they are: the pivotal point of Feanaro' and of the people of the Noldor's fate.

Congratulations for your vision.


Author Reply: Thank you very much! I really appreciate your insights, Sitara. I am glad that the message came through too. :)

I think that Míriel did not take her decision to leave the living world lightly. That is why it seems just well to me that she was still there until Fëanáro was a year old. In this piece, I also tried to portray Fëanáro as truly a child; smart, but a child nonetheless. A child cannot lie or create 'fantacies' to hide himself behind when something goes on not in his favour, thus the sentence you quoted (and some more in the piece).

Once again, thank you for the wonderful review.

- Rey

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
Alas he was such a child when this happened. Poor child!

Author Reply: Yes... Poor child... When writing this piece, I kind of played with the idea "How if Míriel persisted to live for her son and only forsook her life when he was beyond his majority?" I came to the conclusion that Fëanáro would still encounter the same (or at least nearly so) pain. Poor child, indeed.

Thanks for commenting, by the way.

- Rey

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