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It  by White Wolf 4 Review(s)
sofiaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/18/2009
really enjoyed the chapter (sorry I haven't reviewed in, like, ages!).
I'm feeling like something is gonna happen in the next chapter- like an attempted rescue? At any rate, I look forward to seeing what comes next!

Author Reply: I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Don't worry about not reviewing for a while. I'm glad you're back.

I think you may be right. Whether it's successful or not remains to be seen.

LadyLegolasReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/14/2009
Ai! Poor Legolas. :'( Be safe, Aragorn!

Author Reply: Poor Legolas indeed. We'll have to see how safe Aragorn turns out to be.

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/14/2009


Actually, that should be "they're both gonna die." Well maybe not. After all, the elf might taste good, but the ranger...who knows how long ago he took a bath, might give It indigestion. Also, I can't see It delicately removing arrows, swords, and knives from quivers and scabbards before dinner and somehow I think those might cause the snake at least a little pain. Who knows? Maybe they're all gonna die anyway.

Okay, sorry, that was weird.

So Aragorn was travelling away from Legolas, who is lying incapacitated. It has spotted Aragorn. Not looking good here. Could use a little estel and luck. And maybe something more, like an identical twin or two, a wizard, or SOMETHING! HELP! Snake at twelve o'clock! :)

Author Reply: Yipes. I hope you are wrong. The ranger would certainly be a little gritty, however, snakes don't chew their food, so that wouldn't be a problem for It. Having all the weapons sticking out at odd angles definitely would be unpleasant going down.

We don't know yet if Aragorn has really been spotted. Let's hope not. The trouble with outside rescue is that no one knows where they are. One of the Palantíri would be helpful right about now.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/14/2009
Ah, but it is looking bad for our intrepid pair, and particularly with Legolas suffering from snake bite! Now, for Aragorn to rescue him!

Author Reply: Alas, it often looks bad for them at one time or another. Ouch. Just saying that sounds painful, doesn't it? If our dear ranger can do that without getting himself in a similar bind, that would be nice. :o)

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