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Interrupted Journeys: Part 6 Journeys Out of Grief  by elliska 6 Review(s)
GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/10/2010
Legolas is really falling in with a bad crowd. He better shape up and in a hurry because I can't imagine Thranduil will be very indulgent if he catches him.

Author Reply: Yes he is. And naturally he's not going to shape up until he finds a good bit of trouble. You're right, Thranduil is not going to be indulgent under the best of circumstances about this--and these aren't the best of circumstance.

Again, thanks so much for the reviews!

Sulwing of MirkwoodReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/8/2010
Legolas Greenleaf!!! Ai, the elfling had me tearing my hair out. Will he never learn to do as he is told? He and Galithil seem to have switched behaviors!

I do think Thranduil made a good choice for his new troop commander, though. :)

Oh, I *loved* when Thranduil dropped in on the rhetoric lesson! The elflings won that debate!

Author Reply: You'll be tearing a lot of hair out in the next few chapters, I'm afraid. :-) Dolgailon will make a great troop commander, but he will have some hard lessons and decisions too, poor thing. Glad you enjoyed their little debate. I think they surprised Thranduil!

Thanks so much for the reviews!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/29/2009
Hi Elliska, I'm glad that you are posting, I love your stories.

So, we have now Legolas acting as Galithil and Galithil acting as Legolas, what a complication. For sure, Galithil has learned his lesson.

I loved the Thranduil will support Galithil's love for Maidhien if necessary, just it will be a pain for both, with her family history.

I really, really feel bad for Dolgailon, he is the one that will have an impacting life change, and I think that his marriage will suffer, because I don't think that his wife really understand the big change that happened when her father and mother in law passed away. Maybe I like him, but I don't think that she is very supporting.

I liked your interpretation of Thingol’s jewel fiasco. Agree 100%. I really never liked him.

Looking forward for more chapters and tahnk you for this one.

Author Reply: I am so sorry it took me so long to respond to this. This holidays really messed with my internet access.

Yes, Legolas and Galithil have switched roles a bit, which is fun to write, though I doubt the results will be anything Legolas much enjoys.

You are very right about your prediction of the pain that Maidhien's involvement in the King's family will cause, but she will end up being responsible for something very good too. :-)

Dolgailon is really in a bad place right now, quite a bit more than he knows. The noose is slowly tightening around his neck, poor guy,

And I'm so glad you liked the Silmaril arguments!

Thank you so much for the review! I really appreciate them!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/28/2009
I can see why Dolgailon is intimidated by the situation. It's not easy to imagine being in charge of people who are older and more experienced, especially if they've known you from childhood. And once again, Galithil shows how he's matured with his offer to help sort his father's office, despite how difficult that will be for him. Poor kid. "People died because of what we did." That's a tough thing to know.

What a great lesson about Thingol. I love the argument you put in Legolas's mouth about how Thingol argued both ways and how that wasn't just. So where did that wisdom go when he was considering whether to watch the training and practice with the stolen swords? Sigh.

Author Reply: Yeah, that would be tough, I think. On the one hand, everyone would expect the King's family to have leadership roles, and Dolgailon has certainly put his time in rising through the ranks. But, it is uncomfortable managing people who once managed you. There's just no way around that.

Galithil is punishing himself to some extent, by taking on tasks that are difficult. He does have difficult knowledge to live with.

I'm glad you liked the lesson. I liked it, but hesitated to leave it in. In the end, I decided it stayed, because it does show Thranduil's motivation to give Legolas and Galithil the duty they end up with and it also shows the kids are smart. As you say, Thranduil will soon be asking them where those smarts went only a few minutes later.

Thanks so much for the review Daw! I really appreciate them!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/28/2009
It's amusing to see Galithil being the sensible one for once. Of course he paid a high price fro his newfound maturity, but still one would expect that Legolas might learn from proxy? :-) No, of course not. I liked the paralell when Legolas is afraid that galithil will tell on them and his ocusin just telling him that he should know he's not supposed to do so... an entertaining echo from earlier adnvertures.

Still I felt most for Dolgailon... and that part when the younger brother offers help... darn, no wonder they are both elluding the task.

I am still awiting for THrnaduil to snap.And I am so happy that you are posting so regularly! So is the whole story finished? Yay! I'm rubbing my hands in anticipation!

Author Reply: Yeah, imagine how shocked poor Legolas must be. You'd think he'd clue in that maybe he wasn't doing something smart if even Galithil won't do it. But we can't have it that easy, can we? ;-) I did amuse myself with the role reversal between the two of them, and you see it even more in the next part.

Poor Dolgailon. He doesn't know how much he'll end up hating this new role, for reasons he can't even imagine yet.

And you've got Thranduil right.

So is the whole story finished?

I've had this whole part edited since September, for the most part. I just haven't been able to find time to give the chapters a final proof read and get them posted. I figured Christmas Break would be my best opportunity, so I went for it! :-) Thanks so much for the reviews. I appreciate them so much!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/28/2009
Wonderful chapter! Legolas is going to get in trouble, I just know it. Please update soon! :)

Author Reply: Oh yes he is because he has only begun to dig his hole here! Thanks so much for the review!

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