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A Deck of Heroes by Larner | 12 Review(s) |
GamgeeFest | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/28/2009 |
Intriguing! And chilling! Something so innocent to be turned into something so destructive, for we see at Helm's Deep exactly to what ends Saruman puts this magic. Author Reply: Oh, I agree, GamgeeFest. Saruman must have always looked for a "practical" application for whatever "magics" Gandalf found to merely express beauty! And some of those "practical" applications we know were very destructive when used for purposes of his own. | |
GRUMPY | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/6/2009 |
Seems that Suraman was getting his ideas from Gandalf, to make his bomb to blow up the dike. Author Reply: Unfortunately, I suspect you are right, Grumpy. Thanks for the feedback. | |
Kaylee Arafinwiel | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/5/2009 |
Larner, See, when I first pondered 'the Magician', I thought of Gandalf. But he narrated the last card, and Saruman...pondering Gandalf...works even better! (if this card was drawn, I could just see Saruman prominently drawn and making some sort of mechanical thing, with Gandalf behind and to one side of him, setting off fireworks for Pippin to tie in with the previous card! :) ) Kaylee Arafinwiel Author Reply: As you describe it I can see it, too. I think that Gandalf is the Magician on the original deck, but do love this idea a bit better, I think. | |
harrowcat | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/5/2009 |
To clear one’s way with but a minimum of effort? The mind of the industialist! It could be seen as a useful application but it is a slippery and easy path to isolation and inhumanity. Sounds silly but this reminds me of a thought that I had about our buses! In my youth a bus had a driver and a conductor who sold the tickets and generally kept unruly children in their seats etc. Now we have just a driver who is seated behind a bullet-proof shield and CCTV to monitor the bus. Not any sort of improvement and a job less per bus. Author Reply: Yes, the industrialist at the height of his dedication, but just before he loses his connection to the rest of humanity. And I appreciate the illustration of your example. Even so, we start backing off from the rest of our fellows. You may not believe it, but in most of the U.S. we do not have bullet-proof shields between bank tellers and those coming into the banks to do business--we've not gotten that far along the road to isolation and protection at the cost of human interaction as yet--not completely. | |
Pearl Took | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/4/2009 |
Fantastic! I like how at this point Saruman is only seeing this as a true labor saving device, not a destructive one. Sad though that even at this point he sees entertainment as worthless. Poor deluded wizard! Author Reply: No, he's not yet becoming isolated from others and seeing them as merely impediments to his own ambitions. Thanks so, Pearl. | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/3/2009 |
Ah, Saruman! As the Gaffer might say, "He's so sharp he could cut hisself." Which is, of course, what happened. As JRRT pointed out, Saruman had a mind full of wheels and gears, steam and smoke. And he could not appreciate anything for the sheer joy of it, without wanting to take it apart and study it... Author Reply: Oh, you are so right, Barbara! Love the Gafferish aphorism--I, too, can imagine old Hamfast saying such a thing. Yes, taking things apart so as to study it without either the desire or ability to put it back together to make it even more beautiful and delightful--in the best sense of the word--is definitely anything but wise. Thanks so! | |
Grey Wonderer | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/3/2009 |
LOL Saruman the practical! Author Reply: Indeed--not yet Saruman the would-be usurper, but learning things he might use toward that end in the future. Thanks so, GW. | |
Virtuella | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/2/2009 |
This is a wonderfully tightly packed snippet with great characterisation. Author Reply: Why, thank you so very much, Virtuella! I am so flattered! | |
Raksha The Demon | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/2/2009 |
Excellent characterisation of Saruman, you can just see the wheels turning in his clever head. A good contrast with Gandalf, too. Author Reply: I'm so glad you have this reaction, Raksha. And there was such a difference between the two wizards. But which was the truer wizard, and which merely the vehicle for misdirection that magic often is? Thanks so! | |
Kara's Aunty | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/2/2009 |
Hello Larner, aha! So [i]that's[/i] where he got the idea. Saruman is such a crafty old Slytherin! Nicely done, M ;) Author Reply: Saruman appears to have learned about pipeweed from Gandalf as well, so why not fireworks? Only trust him to see the practical and destructive applications while Gandalf embraces their brilliance and the enjoyment they can bring! | |