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Journey out of Darkness  by Armariel 1 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 25 on 2/27/2010
A fascinating tale, then! I certainly hope the stuff Radagast uses on it fully extracts the poison--we don't want Greenjade going bad again, or becoming a vampire himself!

Have you read the latest Terry Pratchett books? It appears that in order to conserve mass his vampires turn into flocks of bats! I had a good deal of fun imagining that! Heh!

Now--to continue the healing of Serilinn.

Author Reply: I have a book by Terry Pratchett--can't remember the title--but haven't read it, couldn't seem to get into it somehow. Had nothing to do with vampires, as far as I know. I've heard of them turning into bats since I was a kid, but since that seemed a bit cliché I decided to AU it a bit and turn them into big black birds instead. Then I was researching Sauron and came across the name Thuringwethil (hope I spelled that right!) Seems she could turn into a bat and was probably one of the Maiar once, and I thought maybe she was the mother of all vampires, and threw in the part about Sauron being her lover--I'd originally planned to have him the creator of vampires when I came across that bit! Well!! I shamelessly cribbed the bit about the silver from the True Blood that show it seems silver is vampire kryptonite, and I thought the mithril silver might be even more powerful in bringing them down. I also liked the thought of leftover orcs being turned, promised their beauty and power back and so forth. I'm not keen on the modern tendency to romanticize vampires overmuch, and prefer to keep them scary and a bit disgusting, rather than sexy and seductive.

Well, seems the Travelers have another member now! And I doubt we've seen the last of the vamps yet!


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