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Raine in the Wonderland  by Eärillë 1 Review(s)
SiiwReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 6/14/2010
I should expect a wonderful description of the first meeting between two very different people when I saw that you were the author, Earille. I love reading about the ainur and their language of music, and this story put a big smile on my face. I read these stories before sleep, and recognise what it feels like after an especially alien and wonderful dream, it feels almost more real than reality itself in the moment before waking fully up.

Author Reply: "I should expect a wonderful description of the first meeting between two very different people when I saw that you were the author, Earille." LOL Ow. I am both flattered and apprehensive. It is a rather high standard for me to live up to. Have I passed the test now with this story? (I sorely hope so!)

I am glad Raine's little adventure entertained you. I was a bit worried, since this is about the experiences of a nine-year-old girl, a little kid by all measures... and there is no action there. But perhaps the bit about the Music substituted for it? I do hope so, and it seems that it happened to you. (Pardon the assumption.)

What left now is the second part of the epilogue; and then the story is concluded. The continuation of this is a crossover between this story and Harry Potter, so it cannot be posted here. (I will post it on FanFiction.Net and Lord of the Rings FanFiction.) But I got another version of it which includes no crossover... Perhaps I will do it and post it here; who knows? My muse is too fickle for me to even promise myself. :rueful:

I am really glad you enjoyed the story. Hopefully someday I will write something about the Ainur and their language again, or other "first meetings." :)

Thank you for reading and reviewing, Siiw. It is much appreciated.

- Rey

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