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In Darkness Bound  by Fiondil 3 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/12/2010
I agree that the ruse wasn't necessarily a proper means of seeing to it Intarion attended as well, but am glad that Findis managed to do what had been indicated in the letter, and that the lovers will be able to spend some time together today.

Author Reply: It was a bit cruel of Findis, but it works out in the end. I think, however, Valandur will think twice before letting his wife "handle the details" in the future. *grin*

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/8/2010
The Maiar were known by their scent? Hmmmm...I think I'd have a tough time with this. I have good ears and eyes, but my nose is lousy since an auto accident when I was a tween. Oh well, I love the Maiar anyway :-) I can't wait to hear what will occur when they reach the halls at Taniquitel.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. I imagine that with so many gardens surround the homes of the Eldar and the Valar and all, even the Elves would have trouble discerning that a Maia was near-by. *grin* I'm glad you're looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 10/8/2010
Well I hope Vanyamar is still there when they get back too, I am sure there is a lot of mischief Ingoldo could get up to if he tried really hard. Ingwion should have made the caveat that any decisions made would have to be O.K.ed by he and his brother when they returned.
Hm, I am very glad Findis is on the twins side, she could be very dangerous otherwise.
Ah, well, onward and upward to Ilmarin we go!

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I'm sure the twins won't be away long enough for Ingoldo to get into much trouble. *grin* And as for Findis... well she is half-Noldorin and we all know how sneaky and crafty the Noldor are. *LOL*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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