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In Darkness Bound  by Fiondil 3 Review(s)
obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 32 on 4/6/2011
Uh, oh, why do I get the feeling that Ingalaure will become trouble? Somehow, he seems to be envious of Ingwion and he has not much patience. Also, Findarato is right, Ingoldo cannot be trusted. The plot thickens.

Author Reply: As to that, obsidianj, we'll just have to wait and see. There does seem to be a streak of envy in him towards Ingwion being the oldest twin. The rivalry between twins is an old motif that goes way back. And we will see just how far Ingoldo can be trusted. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 32 on 12/24/2010
Indeed an elegant resolution, although I find myself suspicious of Ingoldo and his wife, of course.

And Findrod, we know through hindsight, will be needed in Endore in the end. Another greater than the Valar is seeing to him, I deem.

Author Reply: Yes, Larner. Through hindsight we do indeed know what Finrod's ultimate fate is and that Another is indeed seeing after him. The Valar may wish for Finrod to stay in Aman, but he has a different destiny, one that not even Námo as seen. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 12/20/2010
Hm, so there is unrest in Tirion, not so surprising since I am sure not all Feanaro's supporters left with him and Ingoldo has resigned from the Privy Council, now that does surprise me, just what is that sneaky son of a gun up to? I would be very surprised to find that he does not have any influance on it still though, there are always people who are hungry for power.
I had a feeling Ingwe would do what he did, in appointing Ingwion and Ingalure to the Privy Council, I was surprised at Ingalure's response initially though.
Ingalure seems to have a case of second twin/sonitis, Ingwe will have to be very carefull how he handles him. I hope Ingoldo does not get wind of it as he would love to drive a wedge between Ingwion and Ingalure and also between the Twins and Ingwe.

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. In the Silmarillion, it does say that one of the reasons Manwë chose to hold a feast of thanksgiving was to help counter the unrest that was still felt among the Noldor. No details, of course, so I have had to come up with plausible scenarios for the unrest.

Ingoldo resigning for the Privy Council... well there's a reason for it, as we will eventually learn.

Unfortunately, you are correct about Ingalaurë's feelings of insecurity and "being the spare" and we will see how that plays out in subsequent cahpters. As to whether Ingoldo will seek to drive a wedge between the Twins or between them and Ingwë remains to be seen. *grin*

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

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