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In Darkness Bound  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 77 on 6/22/2011
What a cliffhanger! Now I will wait on "pins and needles" until I find out if the escape is successful.

Author Reply: Hi Tari. We'll see in the next chapter just how successful everyone is in getting out of the city. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 77 on 5/28/2011
I know I haven't review the past three chapters, so I'm catching up a bit now. I had good reasons for not reviewing, because you were voyaging out into uncharted territories and I wanted to get a better feel for where you were going before I reviewed. I have to say, I like the direction you have chosen to go. The hidden rooms, the Queen being locked away by Ingoldo, the basic changes that the traitor has made in the palace - shifting guards, etc. All ring very true for someone trying to effect a coup.

It does amaze me, however, since it seems that Maia are on call to the members of the Royal Family, that Elendis never called for one when she was imprisoned. I am sure you have good reasons for why this did not happen, but it is the only aspect of these past few chapters that rings slightly off to me.

Now you've got me crossing my fingers hoping that everyone can get out of the three gates safely and continue trying to form their government in exile and relative safety from Ingoldo. Of course, crossed fingers make it impossible for me to type, so it will have to be virtual fingers rather than in RL. Thanks for three very interesting chapters, Fiondil.

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: Hi Erulisse. I can understand wanting to get a better idea of where this story is going once we move out of canon before reviewing. Believe me, there were times as I was writing this when I wasn't sure how things would turn out though I had a general idea of how it would end. Often enough, the characters simply took over and I was just along for the ride. *grin*

Concerning your comment about Elindis seemingly not calling upon the Maiar for help, that will actually be addressed in an upcoming chapter, but I will say this much: I don't think that the Royal Family as a whole is used to calling upon the Maiar or even the Valar except in rare circumstances and possibly most have never had to do so or would think to do so. Besides, if they could call up a Maia any time they got into trouble then there wouldn't be a story because the Maiar would 'fix' everything and we know that not even our guardian angels (for those who believe in them) will do that for us.

At any rate will see how well everyone fares as they make their escape attempt in the next chapter and what happens after. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Erulisse. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 77 on 5/27/2011
At least they don't have to hide in the wine barrels! THe plans are risky, but so is any other plan. Time to get out of there, and away from Ingoldo's clutches--and to find Ingwe!

Author Reply: That's for sure, Larner! LOL! Their plan is risky, but all choices at this point are evil and so they are choosing the best of a bad lot. We'll see how each group fares in the next chapter and yes, it is time to find Ingwė, though I'm afraid it won't happen quickly. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I quite appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 77 on 5/27/2011
Smart of them to split up. That means that even if one group is taken, the others are going to escape. And given Ingwion's premonition, I suspect it is his twin's group that gets unlucky. Since we know already that Ingalaurė is going to end up getting killed, it wouldn't surprise me if it happens during the escape from Vanyamar, but the exact circumstances will be interesting to see. And when that happens, Ingoldo will find that he has acquired some deadly enemies. The rest of the family may have been opponents up til then, but that death is going to make it personal in a way I don't think Ingoldo is able to understand.

I am definitely looking forward to Monday!

Author Reply: It is indeed smart of them, Sunny, as it increases their chances of at least some of them escaping three-fold. How successful any of the groups are, though, remains to be seen and we will see how they all fare next chapter. As for Ingalaurė, we'll just have to see how he ends up dying and under what circumstances, but certainly you are correct that Ingoldo will not understand what the ellon's death will mean, especially to Ingwion. In many ways, Ingoldo is as much a naif as the rest of the Elves; he truly doesn't understand what he is unleashing here. Probably only Ingwė might have a dim clue, but as he's not around to tell anyone....

I'm glad you are definitely looking forward to Monday and the next chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 77 on 5/27/2011
Let me guess: just before the escape, you'll switch to some other line of this story? *lol*

Btw, a typo. ;)
Everyone turned to greet the ellon. Ingalaurė threw a piece of toast at him. Indis jumped up and wrapped her arms around her lover in a proprietary manner. People shuffled their places around the table so the ellon could join them, Indil insisting he sit beside her

It it Indil, not Indis jumping to Tam, right?

Author Reply: Oops! You're correct, Ellynn. Thanks for pointing it out. I've made the correction. And now, I promise not to switch to some other line of the story quite yet. We will be seeing what happens to Ingwion and the others for a few more chapters yet. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 77 on 5/27/2011
'The greatest plans of mice and Elves gang oft aglay!' Think I got that right! The rodent aspect of it appeals to me, seeing as Ingoldo Rat is involved.


Author Reply: Sounds about right to me, Lynda, and the next chapter will show just how aglay these Elves' plans can go. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

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