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In Darkness Bound  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/28/2011
What an amazing site the Vala and Maiar must have made, even with with elves mounted behind them. I picture a brilliant white glow moving swiftly accross the land. Awesome!

Author Reply: Hi Tari. Yes, I suspect it was an amazing sight and truly awesome. I suspect you are correct that to an observer it would've seemed as if there was brilliant white glow moving swiftly across the land, or perhaps a bright mist. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/6/2011
Where better to imprison the King, I suppose, than the place that served as a prison of sorts for the Noldor who had begun the rebellion? Love seeing Shadowfax's forebears here! Now--the Hunt rides! Time indeed to come to the King's side.

Author Reply: Where better, indeed, Larner. Glad you liked seeing Shadowfax's forebears. I thought it was a nice touch myself and I think helps to give readers a perspective of just how far back in time we are with this story. And the Hunt continues....

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/6/2011
Hmm, it seems that Irene went all his way to Valinor, scary.

Ok, you can have me in the list of fool people; I didn't even thought about Formentos. And you can add me too to the same list of people that think that Arafinwë and the Valars are too mysterious and it can be so easy if they speak plainly, I'm with Eowyn in that one. If I were Ingwion, I probably could have shaken Arafinwë until his teeth were shattering. My, how circumspect he has become.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. It does seem providential that you read of a hurricane-type storm in Valinor just after Irene hit our shores, but I assure you, I didn't plan it that way. LOL!

Anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of people who said to themselves, "Formenos! Of course!" but won't admit it. *grin* Ingwion does need to learn patience though. Arafinwë is not at fault.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

FinrodbrsReviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/5/2011
Hey Fiondil. I've been reading your stories for several years now, and I must say, they are superb. I especially like In Darkness Bound. It's really cool to see what was happening in Valinor during the Darkening.

I don't know if you wanted to keep Ingwe's location an absolute secret, because when I read Ingwe Alone I totally called that he was at Formenos from the description of his room.

That said, keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to Wednesday and Friday.

Author Reply: Hello Finrodbrs. I didn't purposely keep Ingwë's location a secret (except from Ingwion) but I suspect that most people would remember Formenos. But as you can see from one of my reviewers, not everyone is likely to.

Thanks for taking the time to let me know that you've been reading and enjoying my stories, and that you especially enjoy this one. I was always nagged by the idea that Ingwë, as High King of all the Elves, is never mentioned as doing anything during the madness that overtook the Noldor and I wrote this story to find out why and just what did happen to those who remained behind.

galathilReviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/5/2011
I want to join the hunt,it would be quite an adventure.As for Ingwion I can understand his frustration of not knowing where his father is.You keep us hanging of the end of our seats,I cant wait for the next chapter.I hope my ramblins make sense.LOL Galathil

Author Reply: Hi Galathil. Well the Hunt is a dangerous thing for Elves and Mortals (just read your fairy tales to find out why), so I for one wouldn't want to be in on one, but hey, to each his or her own. LOL! Anyway, sorry about the cliff-hanging but the chapter would've been too long otherwise and I figured Ingwion fainting was a good place to end the chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/5/2011

Nasar? I wonder if you had "Big Red" aka Secretariat in mind? Awesome choice!

Ok, enough from me about loving the horse's name, lol. I think what got me the most, really, was "Ingoldo". I thought you'd made a mistake, until I read a little way further. *blushes* Sorry, Atto. But what an amilesse for Arafinwe to have...why on Arda would his amille call him Ingoldo??

Well, it seems they shall be very wet indeed for a time...and now I have to wait until Friday to find out what happened to Ingwe...

This story is progressing very well. :)

Incidentally, zoo day ended up being yesterday. We saw the penguins, bears, big cats and many of my other favourites, but I had a couple of small seizures on the way out of the zoo, and dozed all evening. I slept poorly last night, so apologies if I'm in any way incoherent this morning, Atarinya.



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Nope, I didn't have Secretariat in mind when I gave Ingwion his horse's name, just looking for a suitable name in Quenya for a roan. *grin*

I have no idea why Indis would give Arafinwë that particular amilessë, except that Tolkien gave it to him first so I just went with it. *grin*

Glad you had fun at the zoo and I hope you're feeling better now.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. Tye-melin.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 106 on 9/5/2011
Ya know I never even thought of Formanos either, once the Noldor and Feanaro left it I don't suppose many people gave it another thought.

I wonder how Ratty has been keeping in touch, do the elves have carrier pigions or some knid of messanger bird?

I hope Ingwion comes to himself soon, are the other elves affected in the same way?

Onward to Formanos!

Waiting for Friday,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Then you are in good company with Ingwion in not thinking of Formenos. LOL! I'm sure the others were affected in one way or another but the focus at the moment is on Ingwion. And yes, onward to Formenos.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

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