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Washed Clean by Larner | 8 Review(s) |
harrowcat | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/26/2011 |
'patient pain' what an evocative phrase. It truly made me want to cry because I know many people that it could be said of. What a wonderful moment that must have been for all. Author Reply: I've seen it more than once myself. To know that Frodo now had the chance to truly live again--and fully--must have meant a good deal to Bilbo and to many others who accompanied the Ringbearer to Tol Eressea. | |
Erulisse (one L) | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
This is going to be a simply lovely series of slices in the lives of Frodo and those who love him after he sailed West. If this is any indication of what else will be coming, I will love every contribution. - Erulisse (one L) Author Reply: I had to do this one first, although the prompt for "rain" hadn't been offered yet. A bit of anticipation! | |
Armariel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
Oh gracious, I didn't even see that this was for me! (having followed a link from an email to the story) Thanks soooo much Larner! MUAH!:-* Did I mention Bilbo is one of my favorite characters? Gotta love that old rascal:D ~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@~~~~~{~@ Author Reply: Am so glad to have been able to give you full reason to appreciate this series. And hope the day has been fulfilling! | |
Armariel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
A new series? Narrated by Bilbo? Yum! Looking forward to seeing more. ~~~~~{~@ Author Reply: Yup! Although the rest are third person rather than first--at least for now. | |
Ellynn | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
Aww, thank you so much! *hugs* The story is so soft and gentle, I like its atmosphere. "silver rain-curtain", "white shores"... Beautiful pictures! :) Author Reply: Well, those images came from the Master himself. I hope the coming chapters continue to please! | |
Antane | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
Oh, this is going to be a fun series to read. I love the title for the whole thing and the title for this one. Glad with Bilbo to see some life again in those beautiful eyes and so soon too. :) Namarie, God bless, Antane :) Author Reply: I suspect strongly that the healing took time, but that it was worth every moment spent! | |
Andrea | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
Patient pain - a very fitting description! Both times Frodo was not able to get out of his misery on his own. The first time it was his adoption by Bilbo that turned the tide. This time he's sailing to Tol Eressea! And what is most important: "He will accept healing at last", which is a very difficult thing to do for Frodo Baggins! Author Reply: Oh, you have it, I think, on every point, Andrea. Joy to you this day! | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/25/2011 |
Frodo finding peace and healing... one of my favorite things. :) Author Reply: And one of mine as well. | |