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Raine in the Wonderland  by Eärillë 1 Review(s)
MattReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/30/2011
A really fascinating story. Lots of character development and it really evokes powerful emotions. You've done a great job with this and I'll definitely be looking at your other works. Thanks so much for a great read.

Author Reply: Thank you for reading and reviewing! I highly appreciate it. And thank you also for the compliments. -- To be honest, though, they surprised me. I never thought you would say anything about character development... Then again, I did not think anyone would be interested with the 'mis'adventure of a nine-year-old OFC. -- I hope they can motivate my muse properly... She always thinks this plot-bunny is not worth continuing. :rueful:
- Rey

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