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Spectrums  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/25/2011
An excellent ficlet! Oh, how difficult it must have been for her, losing her anchor to the life she'd chosen and the fana she'd borne while living it. Husband and daughter gone, land invaded and home destroyed--no wonder she found herself drawn back westward once more.

Author Reply: ... Quite an apt summary. :startled: But yes, you were right. I reiterate, I'm glad I managed to convey what it might be like to her, and in the process gained understanding of her plight for myself. Thank you muchly for the comments! (Doubled, but I appreciate both. :))


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 1/31/2011
Unfortunately, I can see this all too well! Alas for her grief, having lost both daughter and husband so!

Author Reply: Glad I managed to convey that... I didn't quite understand why she would leave Doriath in a wreck like that before I write this, truth be told. But now I do.


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