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Spectrums  by Eärillë 3 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/25/2011
And so he has lost so much of the integrity he once knew, and seeks vengeance for mere slights, real or imagined. How this once mighty Elf has fallen.

Author Reply: "Orc in Elven guise," or so Philosopher at Large put it in her dramatic rendition of the Lay of Leithian... I kept it in mind when I was writing this. Glad it worked, and glad you caught the gist.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/31/2011
Such pride does not become him, I fear, and in the end proved vain indeed.

Well done series.

Author Reply: Indeed. And in the very end, he was killed (most possibly) by one of the so-called "Moriquendi"...
-- And thank you for your chapter-by-chapter commentory! I feel quite flattered that you would dedicate some time to do so. And such interesting remarks... :) Thank you for them all. I highly appreciate it.
- Rey

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/31/2011
A varied and interesting collection of storylets.

Author Reply: Thanks! The collection is a labour of love. And it has not reached the quarter mark, even... There are 85 themes still to go. I hope you will be just as interested reading them as you did. (That is, if you decide to continue reading it.) Thank you for reading and reviewing! I highly appreciate it.
- Rey

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