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In Darkness Bound by Fiondil | 12 Review(s) |
Imhiriel | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 7/9/2013 |
Various things you could have heard from my room as I was reading this chapter: Juhu! Huzzah! The Eagles are coming! (well, that one is tradition ;-)...) And once again a beautiful description of the rising of the new light, just as I had hoped (and was sure you would provide). I really like the idea of Isil and Anar as signs of the covenant between the Valar and the Children of Eru. It reminds me of the Old Testament, when God made the rainbow a sign of his covenant with Men to never again send a Flood. Oh, Aranfinwë, you're too funny! On balance, I liked the to and fro between the splendour of the ceremony and the rising of Anar, and OTOH those little touches of humour and the personal details. I also have some rather unformed ideas about the lovely poignancy of the rising of the sun in the middle of Aranfinwë's coronation linking to his son Finrod "Friend of Men" linking to the Awakening of Men as the Sun rose over Hildórien. Author Reply: Hi Imhiriel. I'm glad you liked this chapter. It's one of my favorites. And Arafinwë is irrepresible. That is an interesting parallel between he rainbow as a sign of a covenant between God and Men and the rising of Isil and Anar as signs of a covenant between the Valar and the Children of Eru. I've never thought of it in that way. Thanks for pointing it out and thanks for the review. | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/30/2011 |
I had to immediately giggle. I ‘knew’ something was going on when Olorin counseled sticking to the schedule. (Can’t fool me!) Besides that, I think it not a good thing to upset the cooks. One never upsets the cooks! What I love about ‘your’ Maiar – they are so full of joy and service is so important to them. I reevaluate myself every time I read something like that part. I loved the brief moment of comparison between kings. Nicely done. And wasn’t Olwe wonderful. Having the approval of one’s father-by-law is surprisingly important. The descriptions of the procession and ceremony were great. Easily ‘seen.’ Arafinwe’s speech was perfect. I’m glad to see hearts changed. They need to be in the time before them. The scepter, the crowning, the announcing Intarion as their heir – all done well. Put a smile upon my face. And then ----- the sun! Valar Valuvar! Author Reply: Hi Agape. It is always wise not to upset the cooks. LOL! I'm glad you liked the procession and ceremony and that they were easily "seen", as well as everything else about the chapter, especially the sun.Valar valuvar, indeed. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. | |
obsidianj | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/24/2011 |
How fitting that the sun would rise during Arafinwe's coronation. I had an inkling when the Valar were so eager to speed them on the way to Tirion. They seemed to have an agenda on their own and the sun was still missing... I wish I would have some Maia handy when I forgot something at home and are at work. They seem to love to play fetch Author Reply: I thought it was a fitting symbol myself, obsidianj, the sun rising at the time of Arafiwnë's coronation heralding a new age for them all. I wouldn't mind a Maia or three to do for me either. They would certainly come in handy and make my life easier. LOL! Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/23/2011 |
It is indeed a joy to see this day come again at last, and to see Arafinwe kneel to Ingwe, also restored to his own rightful place, receiving the oath of allegiance Feanaro refused to make. And all of this under the light of the Sun! A new age has come for Aman, and the peace of the Valar is finally once again settled over the land. But even those who left have their part to play! Author Reply: Indeed, Larner, this day has been a long-time coming, and a new age has begun and everyone is where they are supposed to be. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it. | |
Itarille1 | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/21/2011 |
I read this on my lunch break, and what a pleasure it gave me! Since I reached the part where Olorin suggested not to wait for Isil, I have begun to smile: Anar is coming! I'm so glad that Anar was launched exactly at Arafinwe's coronation. Thank you for your stories. I hope you will write more about Arafinwe. Author Reply: Hello Itarille. I'm glad this chapter gave you a smile. I hope to write more about Arafinwë as well, but not in the immediate future. We'll have to see what the Muse says. Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it very much. | |
Siiw | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/21/2011 |
I read this in my lunch break, and got a big smile when the sun rose. So very fitting. Arafinwe has matured so much since the beginning of the story, and reminds me more of the king he is in EI now. Did Ingwe mean that the light of Laurelin was brighter than the light of the sun, or did the elves just experience it more powerfully because the light source was closer? This has nothing to do with this chapter, but I want to tell you this. These stories are apparently getting into my dreams! Last night, I dreamt there was a new story or chapter, and I could see the characters from above, as sprites from an old fashioned computer game, walking around. They looked exactly like I had imagined. ;p It would be fun to try to draw that...if i had any pixel art skills... Author Reply: Hi Siiw. Arafinwë has indeed matured and will be a great king as well we know from EI, Diaries and Wedding. I'm not sure how to answer your question about the the light of Laurelin. I think for Tolkien, that last fruit of Laurelin, while certainly bright, was nowhere as bright as it would've been had the Tree still lived. It is deriative of the "true" light brought forth by the Valar, which is why in Tolkien's mythology, there is nothing divine about the Sun or the Moon. At any rate, I think it's interesting that you are dreaming these characters. I often which I were artistic enough to draw some of the scenes that I've written in my stories, but alas, I can only 'draw' them in my mind. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing. I very much appreciate it. | |
Kaylee Arafinwiel | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/21/2011 |
And so the King has returned at last...you know, this reminds me of Aragorn's entrance into Minas Tirith (wasn't it renamed Minas Anor again during Elessar's reign, or have I forgotten how that went?) to be accepted as King. I'm sure you did that deliberately, Atto. *grins* Ah...the light of Laurelin has come! I wonder who will name it "fiery", lol. *grin* More elflings, I expect. Tye-melin, Atto! Kaylee Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. And the King has indeed returned at last. And I did model this coronation somewhat on Aragorn's, figuring it was apropos to the situation. And we know they named the Sun "Anar", which is probably a corruption of "an-nár" (very fiery), so you're not too far off there. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much. Tye-melin. | |
Fantasia | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/21/2011 |
Fiondil, This was beautiful. I almost cry with Arafinwë words to Ingwion. And I can kiss those Valars now, what a perfect timing for the Sun...A glorious sunrise. I didn't comment last week, but I read all your stories (was out of town, used my precious internet time for reading, great chapters) Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. I'm glad you're happy with the Valar. Sometime they get things right. LOL! Thanks for reading and reviewing and I'm glad you liked the other chapters as well. I appreciate you letting me know. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/21/2011 |
I was quite certain that the coronation of arafinwë would coincide with the first rising of anar. and I was right! :-D and Olórin was giving excellent advice - you could almost think he knew what was on the schedule beforehand1 ;-) I also liked the way Arafinwë pulled the people back to the matter at hand (his coronation) when the sun rose and everybody was really more interested in admiring the new celestial light. And I am certain that the way he asked Ingwion to put the crown upon his head helped his nephew to heal and regain some confidence. Btw, you missed out one instance of "the last _flower_ of Laurelin, in the section beginning with "Herenaráto laughed in delight". Author Reply: Thanks, Sunny. I forgot about that and made the correction. And I'm sure Olórin was well aware of when the Valar were planning to launch Anar, which is why he gave the advice that he did. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 128 on 11/21/2011 |
Beautiful ceremony, especially the light show! Well now we know why Olorin did not want the schedule rearranged, not quite the same affect if Anar rose brfore Arafinwe got there! Maia are such handy folk to have around, especially when it comes to fetching bits and bobs for one! I am sorry to see this coming to a conclusion, it was a hard read in some places but very worthwhile. Will you be taking a break or do you have something else in the works? I will admit reading this story has got me up and out of bed on Mondays and Fridays for a long time now, I will miss the 'encouragement'! Huggs, Lynda Author Reply: Hi Lynda. I'm glad you liked the ceremony. Well, at least you still have an excuse to get up on Wednesday for a while. LOL! As soon as I feel I have enough chapters going, I will start posting the sequel to Elf Academy but I'm afraid people will have to wait until after the New Year for it. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing. It's much appreciated. | |