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Impressionable  by Eärillë 1 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/9/2011
Beren brings the small prince out of the hidden places, then? Or so I'd guess it. Poor kid--certainly deserves better parents!

Author Reply: The child was not a prince -- or at least not in my mind. (Now I'm intrigued about why you said so... Haha.) And yes, it was Beren. I heard mentioned somewhere (probably the Lay of Leithian, which I never read in full -- not yet, perhaps) that his hair wasn't actually dark like his father's people, but more like his mother's people, and so were his eyes; so I tried to adhere to it here. -- I'm glad you caught the irony there... The little one was set to hate and look down on the Secondborn, but he was saved by one.

Thanks for your guess and comments! (I think so too, about the parents of that poor little Elfling...)


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