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Spectrums  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 1/21/2013
Aha! The little brother-cousin only wishes to be included, after all! So many he loves, so many whose plans he wishes to be part of, so many he will be robbed of one day....

Author Reply: Yes, in hindsight this piece would feel chilling, given that the pesky little boy died so young and before his feet touched firm land after the hellish journey through the Grinding Ice too. But here I hoped to show how he might have been, and how his death -- by implication -- might affect his kin afterwards. He was always present, annoying but present and still playful. People like him are hard to forget about, and dearly missed when/if departed.


6336Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 7/26/2011
Nothing like a pesky little brother to spoil things for you, they are adorable when asleep in bed though!


Author Reply: Haha. I was pleasantly surprised. I never expected a response, and not this quick. Thank you so! And yes, I agree, little brothers are pesky little things, adoreable when they are actually not annoying us... Heheheh. I was actually inspired by my little brother when we were small, and also by my own behaviour at that age. :) I'm glad you enjoyed this little vignette! Thank you for taking time and effort to tell me what you think, too. :)


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