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From Wilderness to Cities White by Larner | 13 Review(s) |
Lady Bluejay | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 11/25/2011 |
Read this in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. They are all good but this one made me laugh out loud. Nearly woke my husband. LBJ Author Reply: Am so glad you enjoyed this one, LBJ. I woke up one morning to find myself literally nose-to-nose with the biggest vole I've ever seen, brought in by my cat Lydia, and she was lying on the other pillow just as I've described, purring loudly and kneeding the pillowcase, waiting to see my reaction. And I found I HAD to find a way of writing that into one of my stories. Lydia appears to see it her duty to single-cattedly cause the extinction of all of the voles on the Peninsula where I live! She brought me a good many over the summer. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/31/2011 |
A dead rat!!!! YUK! Why on earth would she think her queen would want such a horrible thing? Author Reply: Well, what else would a cat bring to her mistress? It's what my Siamese cat brought me--except she found the largest vole imaginable to lay between the pillows on the bed! Heh! | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/26/2011 |
This was just adorable, I loved it!I was so certain it was one of Arwen's ladies in waiting bringing her some fruit! How like a cat! A delicious tale! Author Reply: This morning's tribute from my resident felines was a tiny field mouse. And am so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks! | |
Celeritas | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/22/2011 |
Thanks so much for this, Larner! I'm quite tickled! (And yes, I did start to wonder if it was a cat bringing a dead rodent or small bird in, in that first section.) Author Reply: Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Celeritas. And now I'm finally through with my Big Band story and am absorbing the news that the real three young men are actually finally out, too, I'm starting to go through other works and get caught up! Anyway, Lydia sends a flick from her Siamese tail, and would forward a vole to you if it could somehow get through the computer link! | |
Teresa | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/22/2011 |
Chuckle.......Kitling just wants to do her part! Poor Arwen! Hopefully the morning sickness will end soon! Many thanks for this glimspe of life in the Citadel; it's always great to see life in Minas Anor! :) Author Reply: Oh, indeed! She is rather proud both of her hunting skills and her Lady, I believe! And this one was such fun to write! | |
Raksha The Demon | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/19/2011 |
Heeeeeeeeee! Too funny! Of course the lovely and dutiful unofficial handmaiden was doing her best to provide for her 'kindling' Lady, with no clue that said Lady would not welcome the gift with pleasure. But poor Arwen, to awaken to that gift on her pillow! And good for Aragorn, to dispose of the offering. Kitling is right to be proud of herself, though! She worked so hard, ran so far, was properly cunning and skillful in bringing home the prize... Author Reply: I know. She was doing the right thing, of course. And how proud she must have been, just as was my Lydia the morning I woke to find myself nose to nose with a freshly killed vole placed just so with me, and the snowshoe Siamese on the other pillow exactly as is Kitling described, pleased as Punch! Am so glad that Kitling's desire to provide for her Lady is being so applauded, and Lydia is even now taking another feline bow for serving as the inspiration for this! Heh! | |
Ainariel | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/18/2011 |
Oh my!! Not what I was expecting, that's for sure! I have just recovered from a fit of the giggles so severe that both of my dogs are looking at me as though I've lost my mind... Bless Arwen for realizing that Kitling meant only the best - such gifts are sometimes hard to recieve with gratitude. (and if Kitling is like any of the cats I have known and loved, Aragorn should dispose of this treasure carefully - so as not to offend the huntress!) And...not that wish hasten Boromir to his demise...but any chance we'll see an update of "In Empty Lands" anytime soon? Thanks for a good giggle - I needed it today! Always enjoy your tales! Author Reply: I so enjoyed writing this one, and I needed it after having worked so hard for so long on my Big Bang project of "Murder Most Foul." Yes, I intend to return to "In Empty Lands" and "Or Perchance" soon--as soon as I get used to realizing just how strange it is to know that our three guys are at last home again. And I'm glad that this did provide some good laughs. And my fat Siamese sits proudly, having had her own prowess as a provider memorialized in this manner. | |
harrowcat | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/18/2011 |
I am not sure that giggles coming from my bedroom at my parents house at this hour of the night is at all seemly! I guessed when Kitling climbed over the sill but this is a gem to savour again. Author Reply: I am so very glad it gave some good laughs. But who else to have provide such a "feast" than Kitling, I wonder? I have been wanting so to write this for days! | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/18/2011 |
Oh my goodness, poor Arwen! At least she realizes it's a treasured gift, albeit an unwelcome one. Dear kitty, so pleased with herself. Author Reply: It was so much fun to be able to write another kitty tale and to honor the intrepid Kitling within it. Thanks so, Shirebound! | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/18/2011 |
Well I have found a few body parts in odd places, mostly by treading on them, but I have never woken up face to face with a 'gift'! Though there was the time Mutt caught a Gopher and decided the bed was the best place to eat it! Lynda Author Reply: Eewwww! Lydia has been making inroads on the vole population on my property all summer, and when she brought me one just as Kitling did this ship's rat, I knew that her prowess as a hunter and provider has to be just so memorialized! Biggest vole she's brought me yet--and to wake up nose-to-nose with it was startling, to say the least! May the Mutts and Lydias of the world always be with us! And my Bookie's last "gift" to me was a young garter snake that managed to escape once it has been brought into the house and that I found curled up in a box in the kitchen. Startled both of us! | |