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Stirring Rings by Larner | 6 Review(s) |
PSW | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/16/2016 |
Nice chapter...very interesting look at Maglor. This feels like a very legitimate description of how he may have spent his time over the years.... Author Reply: I would think he had had plenty of time to ponder his own family's questionable actions and the results of them, and would now wish to see Sauron follow his Master. Thanks so, PSW. | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 2/16/2012 |
A Fascinating look at how the wizards came to be. One little typo you might wish to fix "Morgoth was drowned and later he lost his Ring to the shards of Elendil’s swore wielded by Isildur?" I think you mean "Sword"? Author Reply: Gads--no matter how many times I proofread my work and how many beta it for me, we still manage to miss things like this! Thanks so! And I'm glad you're looking at this as it's being redone! | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/23/2012 |
I have not read this before, so this is a new adventure for me. You have captured the pain of Maglor quite well. As with mortal's he saw the error of his ways too late and must now lament his poor choices. Author Reply: The ending of this has actually been written for quite a long time--it's a matter of filling in the gaps between the last major war with Angmar and the end now! Heh! And, since the story ends with Maglor, I felt it should begin there, too. I suspect that after the death of his brother and the burning of his own hands before he threw the Silmaril he'd held briefly into the sea that he'd come to his senses for the most part, and would mostly avoid others, but still do his best to keep up on what was happening. Thanks so, Tari. | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/21/2012 |
Ooh! A do-over! (I hope you saved your reviews from your first time round!) Looks like a very good beginning, and I will enjoy seeing it take shape again! Author Reply: Yes, a do-over. And the chapters are hidden, ready to be replaced as each is properly edited. Much will stay the same, but some gross errors will be corrected, I certainly hope, and I will try to get those crucial middle chapters WRITTEN! | |
Soledad, not logged in | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/21/2012 |
That's a truly heroic enterprise, reworking such a long story. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your success. Author Reply: I just hope I can go the distance with it this time. It's not been an easy tale to write, historically, or so I found. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 1/20/2012 |
It is nice to see you are working on your longer stories again! I really did like this one the first time around, and I expect that the new version will be even better. I am certainly looking forward to reading it! And this new intro certainly works well! And I hope the Muse doesn't cop out on you in the middle of the story this time around - because i really want to read _all_ of it! Author Reply: I just hope I can keep it going this time! I want to WRITE all of it this time! | |