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From Wilderness to Cities White  by Larner 5 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/15/2012
You captured Maglor's tragedy brilliantly.

Author Reply: To be held by such an oath as he swore, bound by it for three Ages of the Sun, must have caused him great distress at times.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/11/2012
Took my breath away. Have always loved and sorrowed for Maglor.

Author Reply: Thanks so, Agape. I, too, feel for Maglor.

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/10/2012
But now I can only hold it up to restore hope to those I love past bearing whom I’ve been forced to leave behind. Let them imagine that it shows that my strength endures, that I will survive and perhaps return in time to full health, spirit and body.

I love these words - it is not imagination, it is truth and hope and love also beyond bearing and pain also, but it is not separation except in the physical sense. I love the image of him holding up that light. Someone's got to do another set of films and add these things!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I'm one of those who wish that a proper miniseries had been done to follow the books more closely. Yes, that's one image they left out of the films that truly ought to have been there, and Sam should have come home to Bag End rather than Number Three.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/10/2012

I really feel sorry for Maglor. He did some fairly horrible things, back in the first age, but he did at least _try_ to be a decent ellon, as far as he felt the Oath would allow.
I hope this communication will help Maglor find the courage to go to the West, and find forgiveness and healing there.

Author Reply: Yes, he did some horrible things, but as you noted that was two ages of the sun ago, and now it's time for him to go home I, too, feel.

Thanks so! Lindelea got to read the final chapter of Stirring Rings the other day, and she and I were both wiping our eyes at Maglor's fate.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/10/2012
*sniff* What a tragic figure. If only he could listen to the voice of Hope.

Author Reply: In the end he will, I think! Thanks so!

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