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Interrupted Journeys 8: Through Shadow and Flame  by elliska 5 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/30/2012
I'm way behind after being missing for a week but I wanted you to know that I did read and enjoy this. I better poke my head in the door before you have the next chapter up!

Something tells me Tulus had better keep his wits about him. And a strange and deadly elf who knows gem work and offers to make a ring? Oh yeah, that sounds completely reasonable and not at all weighted with history ;-)

And oh! People popping up and taking their places. Love it! I'm excited.

Author Reply: The noose is definitely tightening around poor Tulus's neck. And yeah, Legolas (and Galithil) just aren't going to have an easy history with rings. ;-) Yep, everyone is almost in place now. Next chapter gets down to action. I'm glad you're excited. Let's see if I can keep you that way. :-)

Thanks so much for the reviews, Dot. I appreciate them so much!

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/26/2012
Surprise! Lord Celeborn, Elrohir, Elladan and Gandalf!

Hopefully, Tulus will tell Thranduil his suspicions regarding Manadhien.

Legolas and Galithil are behaving incredible well and they really have good instincts. I feel as if the village has already switched alliances in favor to the leader. She is so manipulative. How no one has realize that she is a Noldo?

Galithil informing the village about his new family was a piece of art.

Author Reply: Legolas and Galithil are being very mature, aren't they? They are so close to adulthood. It is a fun age to write.

Tulus's knowledge is going to be important here. The noose is getting ever tighter around his neck. Poor guy. And this village is going to have a big role in a few stories, with Galithil in it. This part is set up for that. She is definitely manipulative. No doubt.

And I loved having E/E, Celeborn and Gandalf pop in. Originally, they had more role here, but some was cut because this was crazy long. But I enjoy them a lot. And Celeborn has to be around. He ends up in Lothlorien, after all.

Galithil informing the village about his new family was a piece of art.

I'm glad you liked it! That was one of my favorite parts too. Must have just killed Dannenion!

Thanks so much for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2012
another wonderful chapter! I loved the appearance of the twins/Celeborn and Mithrandir and also of the mischief that is going on in Dolgailon's village! Can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: The trouble in Dolgailon's village will continue to grow and grow. This is set up for several more stories to come.

I enjoy the twins and Celeborn too. I wish I could have fit them in more in this. I just had to make some cuts because it was sooo long it was crazy.

I'm so glad you are enjoying! Thanks so much for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2012
Wow, the plot thickens!
I love to see Galithil and LEgolas being so responsible and efficient. Their discussion over the argument or debate or conlict, showed how much they have learnt -even against themselves- serving in the court, and Galithil carried himself wonderfully there.

But I really loved seeing Celeborn and the twins and Mithrandir! popping out in the middle of the forest. Terrible things were brewing in that time as well, so no wonder all the players in middle earth were around the same place. The appearance of that Balrgo must have been something like the witch king's charge in his time: a terriblbe set back. Poor Amglaur.

Author Reply: :-) Hopefully it will continue to thicken nicely for the next few chapters. :-)

I love writing Legolas and Galithil et al. at this age. They can be so good. And the have so much more ability to get in so much trouble too. Great age. ;-) But they are doing a good job here.

Yesm it is impossible for me to believe pretty much everyone wouldn't be noticing what is going on if something a major as an entire kingdom being destroyed is the event. By a Balrog, no less. They had to be all poking around and trying to figure out what happened. And Celeborn and Galadriel have to get to Lothlorien somehow.

Poor Amglaur indeed.

:-) Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/25/2012
Galuauth certainly hit home when he talked about spying on Thranduil's court. We'll see if Legolas and Galithil process that well enough to act on it. Either way, it's interesting. Either they're shown as changing and learning by experience, which is really cool to see, or they get themselves in hot water. Galithil's awareness of how they should behave in this village is a lovely example of the smart, grown up attitudes they're reaching toward.

Dannenion (is it wrong that his names makes me think of yogurt?) is every story teller's nightmare. Shut up, man. And if he and Dolwon are smart, they'll shut up about what they're doing here too. Fortunately, they're not smart.

I really like the linking of the story of Nimrodel to the long story you've been building of the troubles in Thranduil's rule. I love that kind of use of canon.

I had to laugh when Galithil trots out that "family" line that "made him gag" a moment earlier. He and Legolas did a great job in separating Moralfien from the crowd, though. No pushovers, those two!

Gem work, eh? Hm. The name Feanor comes to mind. An unfortunate association. And I have to say, I'd no more put a ring she made on my finger than I'd touch a hot stove.

It was fun to see Celeborn, the twins, and Mithrandir show up. One of the pleasures of fanfic is seeing characters we know turn up at unexpected moments.

I was glad to see this turn up today. I watched for it yesterday because I knew you'd been posting on Tuesdays. You know that's the day publishers release new books, right? You fit right in. :-)

Author Reply: I had fun with Galuauth in this. This chapter started out as around 15K words, which is way too long for me, so a lot got cut. But I left that part in because I just am amused by what these guards must see and how they react. Galuauth let them have it. I can't say what impression it made because I can't say yet what else is getting cut. :-) But he did hit the nail on the head.

Nimrodel's attitude was what really got this story rolling in my head when I first read UT. It made me wonder if there were other elves that felt that way and what impact it would have if some of them responded more directly than she did. So, I had to work her in somewhere, and this is the place. :-)

I had a lot of fun with Legolas, Galithil and the 'family' comment. I couldn't resist it. It would just infuriate Dannenion (I'll never enjoy that yogurt as much again).

The name Feanor comes to mind. An unfortunate association.

Yep, sure does. And Feanor had a grandson who was pretty good with rings too. ;-)

I'd no more put a ring she made on my finger than I'd touch a hot stove.
Smart. There's another quote that always interested me, from Fellowship (its Gandalf, of course): In Eregion long ago many Elven-rings were made, magic rings as you call them, and they were, of course, of various kinds: some more potent and some less. The lesser rings were only essays in the craft before it was full-grown, and to the Elven-smiths they were but trifles – yet still to my mind dangerous for mortals.

I always wondered what happened to the lesser rings. UT and the especially the Silmarillion suggest that Sauron took them all when he destroyed Celebrimbor and the House of the Mirdain. Maybe. But even so, what happened to them. I just think those ideas are fascinating.

You know that's the day publishers release new books, right?

LOL! No, I didn't. You crack me up. It's finals week and I needed a new final because I recycled my last one once. So that kept me busy (and then grading them yesterday and today). That and cutting stuff from this over-long chapter kept me behind. I'll be back on track from here on out.

Thanks so much for the reviews, daw! I appreciate them so much!

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